Year 6

Meet the Team

Miss Parbi

 Lotus Class Teacher

Miss Tsenti

Tamarind Class Teacher

Yearly Curriculum Overview

Year 6 Curriculum 2023-2024.pdf
Tamarind Class.pptx
Lotus Class.pptx

Homework in Year 6

Year 6 Spelling homework guidance.docx.pdf

Spelling Homework

CGP book homework.docx (1).pdf

CGP Homework

Summer 1: World War 2

Lotus - Summer 1 - Curriculum Letter.pdf

Lotus curriculum letter

Tamarind - Summer 1 Curriculum Letter.pdf

Tamarind curriculum letter

Launch day- 16.04.24

Children walked into a blacked out classroom, while the blitz sirens and bombing sounds went off in the background. Then they listened to a radio version of Churchill’s speech.

As a class we discussed what we already know and want to know about The Blitz and The Battle of Britain. Children then shared their homework projects with the class. We then went through an overview of WWII learning about how and why the war started, as well as the key alliances and countries that were in conflict in the first few years of the war.

After this, the children then learned about The Blitz and the nature of the attacks and what it was like to be in London at the time. Finally, as a class we then created 3D paper cut outs of the famous RAF fighter jet: 

The Supermarine Spitfire.

Spring 2: Urban and Rural

Y6 Lotus - Spring 2.pdf

Lotus curriculum letter

Y6 Tamarind - Spring 2 - curriculum letter (1).pdf

Tamarind curriculum letter

Launch day- 19.02.24

Our topic this term is ‘Urban and Rural areas’. We started the day by sharing our projects followed by defining what urban and rural meant. In pairs, we then researched various urban and rural areas and investigated their human and physical features.  Using what we had learnt, we then designed our very own Paradise Island. We could decide whether we wanted it to have an urban or rural feel and thought about key physical and human features that we wanted to include. We drew, coloured and labelled our Island after which we shared them with each other! 

Spring 1: The Ancient Greeks

Y6 Lotus - Spring 1 - Curriculum letter -.pdf

Lotus curriculum letter

Y6 Tamarind - Spring 1 - Curriculum letter.pdf

Tamarind curriculum letter

Launch day- 10.01.24

Year 6 will be learning all about Ancient Greece and the Olympics and started launch day by discussing what they already knew and what they wanted to know about the topic. The children then took part in a sorting activity to create their own timelines of ancient civilisations. We then watched videos and learned more about Ancient Greece before children had time to create their own shields and armour. Finally year 6 took part in their own Olympic Sports events with Tamarind representing Athens and Lotus representing Sparta. The children enjoyed their day and were able to learn a lot about their new history topic. 

Autumn 2: Africa's Great Civilisations

Lotus - Autumn 2 - Curriculum letter.pdf

Lotus curriculum letter

Tamarind Autumn 2 curriculum letter

Tamarind curriculum letter

Launch day- 30.10.23

For Year 6’s launch day, pupils were immersed into the world of biomes. They learnt that biomes are a community of interconnected animals and plants and researched the six major biomes and their climates. Pupils then put their learning into practise by designing their own biome in groups, using a variety of materials. 

Autumn 1: Africa's Great Civilisations

Y6 Lotus - Autumn 1 - Curriculum letter.pdf

Lotus curriculum letter

Y6 Tamarind - Autumn 1 - Curriculum letter.pdf

Tamarind curriculum letter

Launch day- 6.9.23

Year 6 dived into their topic on ancient African civilisations this launch day. They discovered that modern Africa is a rich and diverse place and researched interesting facts about the continent. They then discussed what they already knew and what they wanted to find out about Ancient Benin. They studied a range of artefacts and discussed what they thought they may have been used for. In the afternoon, Year 6 then made masks inspired by Benin masks worn by the Oba and other royalty.

2022-2023 Curriculum

Summer 2: Water Sustainability

Y6 Lotus - Summer 2 - Curriculum Letter

Lotus curriculum letter

Y6 Tamarind - Summer 2 - Curriculum Letter

Tamarind curriculum letter

Y6 Willow - Summer 2 - Curriculum Letter

Willow curriculum letter

Launch day- 5.06.23

This launch day, Year 6 were introduced to their key question 'Why is water sustainability important?'. They learnt about where water is found around the world and the properties of solids, liquids and gasses. They then learnt about the water cycle, after which they created colourful posters to display their learning.

Summer 1: World War 2

Y6 Lotus - Summer 2 - Curriculum Letter

Lotus curriculum letter

Y6 Tamarind - Summer 2 - Curriculum Letter

Tamarind curriculum letter

Y6 Willow - Summer 1 - Curriculum Letter.pdf

Willow curriculum letter

Launch day- 18.04.23

Children walked in to a blacked out classroom while the blitz sirens and bombing sounds went off in the background. Then they listened to a radio version of Churchill’s speech. As a class, we discussed what we already know and want to know about The Blitz and The Battle of Britain. Children then shared their homework projects with the class. We then went through an overview of WWII learning about how and why the war started, as well as the key alliances and countries that were in conflict in the first few years of the war. After, children learnt about The Blitz and the nature of the attacks and what it was like to be in London at the time. Finally, we learned about the famous RAF fighter jet: The Supermarine Spitfire and created pictures of our own jets.

Spring 2: Urban and Rural

Y6 Lotus - Spring 2 - Curriculum letter.pdf

Lotus curriculum letter

Y6 Tamarind - Spring 2 - curriculum letter.pdf

Tamarind curriculum letter

Y6 Willow - Spring 2 - Curriculum Letter.pdf

Willow curriculum letter

Launch day- 20.02.23

Year 6 had an exciting day learning about urban and rural regions. We presented our amazing home projects, before learning about the physical and human features that make up urban and rural areas. We then put our learning into practise by creating our very own paradise island! On our island, we drew and labelled physical and human features that we would want. Then we shared our dream designs with each other.

Spring 1: The Ancient Greeks

Year 6 Lotus - Spring 1 - Curriculum letter.pdf

Lotus curriculum letter

Year 6 Tamarind - Spring 1 - Curriculum letter.pdf

Tamarind curriculum letter

Year 6 Willow - Spring 1 - Curriculum Letter.pdf

Willow curriculum letter

Launch day- 4.01.23

Year 6 looked at how the ancient Olympics started and the events the athletes participated in. Using our imaginations to help us think about what it would have been like to be there, we designed and participated in an Olympics of our own. We even created our own city colour armour to protect us in some of the events!

Autumn 2: Our Changing Climate

Y6 Lotus - Autumn 2 - Curriculum letter.docx

Lotus curriculum letter

Y6 Tamarind - Autumn 2 - Curriculum letter.docx

Tamarind curriculum letter

Y6 Willow - Autumn 2 - Curriculum Letter.docx

Willow curriculum letter

Autumn 1: Africa's Great Civilisations

Lotus curriculum letter.docx

Lotus curriculum letter

Tamarind curriculum letter.docx

Tamarind curriculum letter

Willow curriculum letter.docx

Willow curriculum letter