Pupil Leadership Pathway

The leadership pathway gives children the opportunity to progress their leadership skills as they move through the school. As they gain leadership experience, they are able to apply for posts involving more responsibility and more of a whole school focus.

Class Responsibility

The first rung of the pupil leadership pathway is a class responsibility. This will be a role taken on in class where students have their first opportunity to develop leadership skills. They will have a small responsibility in their classroom and the opportunity to have some ownership over the running of the class. The main responsibility roles will be those of lead learners and class champions, however staff may want to give other small leadership roles in their class.

Whole School Responsibility

The second rung of the pupil leadership pathway is a school responsibility.  Students will have a role that will impact on an area outside their own classroom. The selection process for each role will be different, depending on the role and the expectations of it. Some examples of whole school responsibilities include:

Whole School Responsibility and Pupil Responsibility

The final rung of the pupil leadership pathway is being responsible for school and pupils. This role will involve being part of the Junior Leadership Team and, if successfully elected, School Council, where students will have comprehensive experience of developing their leadership skills.

School Council is the most prestigious leadership role in the school. This role is for students who are an outstanding example of what is expected from students at Noel Park Primary School. They will play a highly active role in both the running of the school and in establishing links with the local community.