School Council

Our School Council plays an essential part in ensuring our pupils have a greater say over matters that affect both their academy life and education and the community they live in. In this way, our children have a greater sense of belonging, become more confident when putting forward ideas and develop a greater understanding of the need to work co-operatively for the good of others.

School Council represents their peers and brings forward their views to improve the school and the community, with each member being elected by their class to be their 'voice' at the fortnightly meetings. 

School Council is proud to represent the voice of the pupils of Noel Park Primary School and thrives to achieve better things to make our academy and community as good as it can possibly be.

Our School Council are always be available to listen to new suggestions and ideas from pupils, staff and parents.

School Council Job Description

School Council Representative Job Description

2023-2024 School Council In Action

In addition to the above, this year School Council will be focusing on the following things:

- community work and volunteering

- supporting at Friends of Noel Park events

- support with parent tours and events

- leading assemblies

An example of a half termly cycle of volunteering opportunities can be seen below. We are hoping to develop even more community links before the end of the year:

Our 2023-2024 School Council Representatives

2023-2024 Highlights

18th September 2023

Houses of Parliament

Our first trip of the academic year was a visit to the Houses of Parliament for our newly elected School Council representatives. The children had a great time touring the building and finding out more about the House of Lords and the House of Commons. They realised that their role as representatives of their school's student body was just as important as the elected officials they had met and learned about. They understood that their voice had the potential to make a difference not only in their school but in society as a whole, and are now really excited to see the impact they can have on both Noel Park and the local community over the course of this year.

Below are some quotes from the school council children:

My visit to the Houses of Parliament was exquisite. I was inspired by all the information that was shared with us. We even got to watch a documentary on the history of the Houses of Parliament. Also, we got to meet our local MP, Catherine West. We got to share our ideas on what they could do more to improve our local area.

Malachi, Year 5

The visit to the Houses of Parliament was very informative. I really enjoyed the part where we got to see the Houses of Commons and the Houses of Lords. I was really excited when I got to meet our local MP, Catherine West. The tour guide was very knowledgeable and answered all our questions. Being there on the day truly made me feel like I was a member of Parliament. 

Shanae, Year 4

The trip was extraordinary and unbelievable! When we got to the Houses of Parliament I was blown away by the architecture of the place. The tour was great. We found out lots of information about all the events that take place there. We also got to meet our local MP Catherine West and we gave our opinions on how we could improve Haringey.

David, Year 6

I really enjoyed my visit to the Houses of Parliament. Since it was my first time there, this has encouraged me to further my career options later in life. I found all the information useful and important. It was exciting meeting our local MP, Catherine West. She answered lots of my questions on how to improve the safety of the people in our community. 

Xen, Year 4

Our trip to the House of Parliament was awesome! We were stunned by the size and design of the building. When we got there, we were introduced to a tour guide, who led us through the palace-like building. We even got the chance to enter both the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

Najah, Year 6

2022-2023 Highlights

Tuesday 4th July 2023

Noel Park's Got Talent @ Alfred Findley House

We wanted to organise an end of year event for the residents at Alfred Findley House and settled on the idea of a talent show. From the planning and organisation to the actual delivery of the show, we had the opportunity to put into practice the leadership skills we have developed over the course of the year. It was a little nerve-wracking to perform in front of a room full of people but seeing the smiles on the residents faces made it all worth it.

Tuesday 20th June 2023

Clothes Drive for Grace Baptist Church

Our Summer term clothes drive was incredibly successful thanks to our hard-working school council and the generosity of our families. The children really enjoyed sorting the clothes and packaging up donations ready to go to Grace Baptist Church.

Friday 17th March 2023

The Results of the Food Drive

Following a successful food drive at the end of February, we returned to Grace Baptist Church to help sort and organise the donations. It was great to see the results of all our hard work and the impact it is having on the local community.

Tuesday 28th February 2023

Making A Difference At Noel Park

We decided we wanted to give Noel Park students even more opportunities to get their voices heard, coming up with the idea of putting suggestion boxes in each classroom. We created these ourselves and then promoted them to the rest of the school. We think they're a great way for the children to have their say!

Wednesday 23rd November 2022

Alfred Findley House

School Council representatives visited Alfred Findley House, a Haringey retirement housing complex just a short walk away from our school. We had such fun colouring and drawing together, playing chess, quiz games and just chatting about life. The residents enjoyed it so much that we were invited back straight away! 

Tuesday 1st November 2022

Grace Baptist Church

On Tuesday 1st November, the School Council visited Grace Baptist Church to support with organising and distributing the donations from our food drive. It was a great opportunity for them to see the impact of their planning and hard work on the local community. They will be continuing to focus on community and volunteering work over the rest of the year. 

2021-2022 Highlights

2022-2023 Highlights