Year 4

Meet the Team

Mr Young

Palm Class Teacher

Miss Dobie

Olive Class Teacher

Mr Pobee

Nutmeg Class Teacher

Yearly Curriculum Overview

Year 4 Curriculum 2023-2024.pdf
Palm Class.pptx
Olive Class.pptx
Nutmeg Class.pptx

Homework in Year 4

Year 4 Spelling Homework

Spelling Homework

Yr 4 Multiplication Homework

Multiplication Homework

Summer 1: Crime and Punishment

Nutmeg Class Year 4 Summer 1 Curriculum Letter.pdf

Nutmeg curriculum letter

Curriculum Letter - Palm Class.pdf

Palm curriculum letter

SUMMER 1 Curriculum Letter - Olive Class.pdf

Olive curriculum letter

Launch day- 16.04.2024

During launch day in year 4, we delved into crime and punishment. Initially, we presented our homework projects to our peers. Then, we looked at different forms of crime and punishment relating to different eras, such as the Tudors, the Normans and Ancient Rome. and compared these to modern day. Finally, we set up a courtroom within class and roleplayed a court hearing, using different history eras to influence the court proceedings.

Spring 2: Global Trade

Nutmeg Class Year 4 Spring 2 Curriculum Letter.pdf

Nutmeg curriculum letter

Palm Class Year 4 Spring 2 Curriculum Letter.pdf

Palm curriculum letter

Olive Class Year 4 Spring 2 Curriculum Letter (1) - Copy.pdf

Olive curriculum letter

Launch day- 19.02.2024

Our topic this term is ‘Global Trading’. We started the day by sharing our projects followed by discussing aspects of global trading that we knew about and things that we would like to learn. In groups, we had images of various fruits and vegetables and had to decide whether they were grown in the UK or abroad. Remaining in our groups we played the ‘Fair Trade Board Game’. This involved answering a series of questions to progress to the finish line. Using chrome books we researched how many kilometres a range of food travelled across the world to reach Australia. Our final activity was to redesign the Fairtrade logo. 

Spring 1: The Tudors

Nutmeg Class Year 4 Spring 1 Curriculum Letter.pdf

Nutmeg curriculum letter

Palm Class Year 4 Spring 1 Curriculum Letter.pdf

Palm curriculum letter

Olive Class Year 4 Spring 1 Curriculum Letter.pdf

Olive curriculum letter

Launch day- 10.01.24

To launch our topic about the Tudors the children presented their fantastic projects. This included models of buildings, castles, crowns, posters with facts and board games. We then became investigators and looked at a variety of artefacts (rush light, eel basket, clay bird nest and a quill) . The clay bird nest caused the most discussion because it was less obvious to identify a purpose.  In pairs they prepared a Tudor timeline and viewed it in contest to the Viking era we studied during Autumn 1. We learnt about the ‘War of The Roses’ and Tudor Rose. During the day there was a fascination with Henry Vlll and his poor six wives, which led the children to research questions they had prepared earlier. 

Autumn 2: World Deserts

Nutmeg Class Autumn 2 Curriculum Letter.pdf

Nutmeg curriculum letter

Palm curriculum leter.pdf

Palm curriculum letter

Olive Curriculum Letter Autumn 2.pdf

Olive curriculum letter

Autumn 1: Anglo Saxons and Vikings

Curriculum Letter - Nutmeg.pdf

Nutmeg curriculum letter

Curriculum Letter - Palm.pdf

Palm curriculum letter

Curriculum Letter - Olive.pdf

Olive curriculum letter

Launch day- 6.09.23

The Year 4 topic of the half term is Vikings and Anglo-Saxons. Children started their launch day by presenting their homework projects. They went on to explore various real life artefacts from the Viking and Anglo-Saxon era. They then analysed and assembled a timeline of key events that occurred during this period. Children also created labels for their pencil cases and bookmarks written using the Runic alphabet. In the afternoon, children built 3D models of Viking long ships and Anglo Saxon roundhouse..

2022-2023 Academic Year

Summer 2: Rumbling Rainforests

Curriculum Letter - Nutmeg.pdf

Nutmeg curriculum letter

Curriculum Letter - Palm.pdf

Palm curriculum letter

Launch day- 6.06.23

Children who completed homework projects had the opportunity to present them to the class and talk about what they found out about the rainforest. We then learned about why rainforests exist and where they are located in the world. We became familiar with atlases and noticed that rainforests follow the line of the equator prompting questions about climate and why rainforests cannot grow in other areas. This knowledge was then tested in teams using Kahoot. Next the children looked at some examples of rainforest animal fact files and discussed their appearance, diet and habitat. They then researched their own rainforest animal using the iPads/Chromebooks and completed their own fact files using the template provided.

Summer 1: Crime and Punishment

Curriculum Letter - Nutmeg Class.pdf

Nutmeg curriculum letter

Curriculum Letter - Palm Class.pdf

Palm curriculum letter

Launch day- 18.04.23

Children who had completed a project about our History topic had the opportunity to present to the class. Next, they played a situation cards game. They learned about the different punishments that were given for different crimes committed. They found out that the punishments changed depending on the status of the person. They then looked at situation cards testing members of the class by asking them which punishment they think they would have faced if they committed them. They then debated the fairness of this as a class. In the afternoon, we turned our class into a courtroom and acted out scenarios based on famous fairy tales and myths. They then had to decide what the verdict would be for each case!

Spring 2: Global Trade

Curriculum Letter - Nutmeg.pdf

Nutmeg curriculum letter

Curriculum Letter - Palm Latest.pdf

Palm curriculum letter

Launch day- 20.02.23

Year 4 children took part in the following activities:

ACTIVITY 1: Children were given images of different groceries and used iPads to research where they were grown. In groups, they had to organize each image into either ‘Grown in UK’ or ‘Grown Abroad’.

ACTIVITY 2: The children worked in small groups and played the fair trade board game. They had to work out the answers to questions about fair trade in order to progress across the game board.

ACTIVITY 3:   All of the children then took part in a Kahoot quiz about fair trade.

ACTIVITY 4:  How far Did my Food Travel activity. The children used atlases to locate countries on a map and draw pictures of the food grown there. They also used chrome books to find out how many kilometres the food travelled to get to Australia.

Spring 1: Tudors

Year 4- Nutmeg Class Curriculum Letter.pdf

Nutmeg curriculum letter

Year 4- Palm Class Curriculum Letter.pdf

Palm curriculum letter

Launch day- 4.01.23

Children spent the first part of the day exploring Tudor artefacts, focusing their discussion around what they were made of and what they might have been used for. We then carried out some research to find out if our predictions were correct. Later we looked at a range of Tudor games and thought about whether or not it would be fun to be a child in the Tudor times.

Autumn 2: World Deserts

Curriculum Letter - Nutmeg Y4.docx

Nutmeg curriculum letter

Curriculum Letter - Plam Y4.docx

Palm curriculum letter

Autumn 1: Anglo Saxons and Vikings

Nutmeg curriculum letter.docx

Nutmeg curriculum letter

Palm curriculum letter.docx

Palm curriculum letter