RE Curriculum Intent

Through an exceptional and innovative RE curriculum, we aim to provide awareness of different faiths and cultures in our local, national and international communities.  We inspire and empower our pupils by providing a safe and supportive platform in which they feel confident to share their ideas whilst also listening with respect to the views and beliefs of their peers.

Sequencing and Progression

Units in the whole school curriculum map are organised so that children re-visit different religions each year and build on prior learning. They develop respect, including their own values and attitudes in order to recognise their rights and responsibilities. Children learn about and from religions and beliefs. Later, they relate their learning to the wider world, gaining a sense of personal autonomy in preparation for adult life. 

Documents and Policies

Our RE Curriculum

RE Content and sequence.pdf

Learning Outcomes

RE Learning Outcomes

Long term plans

RE in Early Years

In the Early Years, children learn about and explore different faiths through celebrations and festivals such as Chinese New Year, Diwali, Easter and Eid. The children participate in activities and create collaborative artworks that teach them fundamental values of respect and an understanding of the diverse world around them.

RE in Key Stage 1

In Key Stage 1, RE is taught weekly and our curriculum reinforces a message of tolerance and respect for all others. During these lessons, children are provided with a platform to confidently share their own ideas and experiences while also listening respectfully to the views and beliefs of their peers. Noel Park and British Values are weaved throughout every lesson to enable children to make links between what they are learning and the world they live in. Through our RE curriculum, children have opportunities to learn about and explore Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism. Every term, pupils visit a place of worship to further explore their in-class learning,

RE in Key Stage 2

In Key Stage 2, children are given further opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding of a variety of religions, making links between them and exploring themes that run throughout. They will be exposed to more complex ideas and concepts and given the change to develop and share their own opinions on 'big questions' such as how people decide what is right and what is wrong and how they may choose to live their lives as a result. They are encouraged to ask and explore challenging questions of their own, reflecting on meaning, purpose and truth and considering different perspectives.

RE Trips and Visits

Nursery priest visit

Year 1 care home trip

Year 3 & 4 St Paul's Cathedral