
Music Curriculum Intent

At Noel Park, we provide all children with engaging music lessons in which they learn how to use their voices and instruments creatively, expressively and skilfully.  We ensure children have opportunities to develop listening, motor and collaboration skills to create a sense of group achievement, thus boosting confidence and self esteem.

Sequencing and Progression

We follow the Kapow Primary's Music Scheme, in which the individual strands of music below are woven together to create engaging and enriching learning experiences.

- Performing

- Listening

- Composing

- The history of music

- The inter-related dimensions of music (pitch, tempo, timbre, structure, texture and dynamics)

Over the course of the scheme, children learn how to sing fluently and expressively, and play tuned and untuned instruments accurately and with increasing control.

Policies and Documents

Our Music Curriculum

Music Content and sequence (1).pdf

What does music look like at Noel Park?

Music is a huge part of Noel Park. Children have weekly music lessons and singing assemblies. We have a fantastic choir and lots of opportunities for children to perform.

Performances and Events

We have many musical events throughout the school year where children can perform and showcase their musical talents and skill in school and in the local community. Early Years, KS1 and KS2 all work hard towards a Christmas Show in December and our choir also performs in school and in the local community, for example at Alexandra Palace's Christmas festival. Our Year 4 and 5 guitarists also have many opportunities to perform throughout the year both to parents within school and to the wider community.

This year our School Council organised a 'Noel Park's Got Talent' performance for the residents of Alfred Findley House, a local care home. As part of this, they were able to showcase their musical, drama, dance and artistic abilities to the local community. We hope to make this an annual event.

Year 6 spend their last few weeks at Noel Park working towards a highly anticipated end of year production. Pupils work together making props, dancing, singing and acting.  This is a wonderful celebration of their musical journey at Noel Park and an event loved by families and pupils alike.