
Meet the Team

Bilkis Khatun 

Early Years Practitioner

Fatima Begum 

Nursery Manager

Anna Apostolu

Early Years Practitioner

Yearly Curriculum Overview

Nursery Curriculum 2022-2023

Autumn 1: Incredible Me

Curriculum Map

Nursery Autumn 1 Curriculum Letter 2024 Incredible Me.pdf

Project Letter

Nursery - Incredible Me Project letter 2024.docx.pdf

Summer 2: Bears 

Curriculum Map

Nursery Curriculum Map Summer 2 BEARS 2024.pdf

Project Letter

Bears Project Letter 2024 - Summer 2.docx (1).pdf

Summer 1: Amazing Animals 

Curriculum Map

Nursery Curriculum Map Summer 1 Amazing Animals 2024.pdf

Project Letter

Amazing Animals project letter SUMMER 1 2024.docx.pdf

Spring 2: Soil, Seeds and Sunshine!

Curriculum Map

Information for parents Spring 2 2024 - Soil, Seeds and Sunshine! .pdf

Project Letter

Project letter_ Seeds, Soil and Sunshine! 2024 .docx.pdf

Spring 1: Vehicles on the Move

Curriculum Map

Nursery Curriculum Map Spring 1 VECHICALS ON THE MOVE 2024.pdf

Project Letter

Vehicles on the move project letter Spring 1 2024.docx.pdf

Autumn 2: Let's Celebrate

Curriculum Map

Nursery Curriculum Map Autumn 2 2023.pdf

Project Letter

Nursery Autumn 2 project letter 2023 .docx.pdf

Your Child's Learning

Transition into Nursery

Starting Nursery is a new and exciting experience, however, both parents and children can sometimes feel apprehensive about the changes ahead. At Noel Park, we aim to make the transition as smooth and as positive for all involved.

What does my child need to wear? 

At Noel Park Nursery, the children need to wear school uniform. Children will need a spare bag of clothes which can be kept on their peg in case a change of clothing is required. Children are encouraged to manage their own shoes and coats, so styles which are easy for children are requested. Please ask the school office for a uniform list.

What will the children be learning? 

"Children develop quickly in the early years and early years practitioners aim to do all they can to help children have the best possible start in life. Children have a right, spelled out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, to provision which enables them to develop their personalities, talents, and abilities, irrespective of ethnicity, culture or religion, home language, family background, learning difficulties, disabilities or gender." EYFS 2012 

 At Noel Park Nursery, our aim is to understand and support each individual child's potential as they grow and develop. In order to do this, we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) 2012. The Foundation Stage was introduced as a distinct phase of education for children aged between 3 ‐ 5 years in September 2000 and use of the Curriculum Guidance became statutory in March 2002. From September 2008, this became known as the Early Years Foundation Stage and this has set the standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to 5 years. 

The ways in which your child engages with other people and their environment through playing and exploring, active learning and creating and thinking critically, underpins learning and development across all areas and supports your child to remain an effective and motivated learner.

The EYFS has three prime areas and four specific areas of learning that we concentrate on developing within our Nursery and Reception classes. The prime areas are fundamental, work together and support development in all other areas.

The specific areas include essential skills and knowledge for children to participate successfully in society. 

During each session, the children will experience some adult led focused teaching activities and will also take part in independent learning activities. Teachers observe children as they act and interact in their play and use information from those observations to plan exciting activities for the children to experience.


At Noel Park Nursery we aim to make the nursery a safe and secure place for the children, parent/carers, staff and any Visitors who may enter the setting. We aim to make all the children, parent/carers and staff aware of health and safety issues to minimise the hazards and risks to enable them to thrive in a safe and healthy environment.

Gates are always closed and locked before children enter the garden for outdoor play. Two members of staff are always present at dismissal time with four members of staff welcoming children into the settling.

Healthy Eating  

Children are able to independently help themselves to milk, water, fruit and crackers from the snack table which is available all day. 

Full time children can choose to have packed lunch from home or have our freshly prepared and cooked on the premises by our trained Cook using a 3 weekly cycle and seasonal menus. This can be seen with request. 

Parents as Partners  

The team respects that you, the parent, have the greatest knowledge of your child. The staff will endeavour to carry out your wishes at all times although you are asked to respect the policies and procedures we are regulated by. We promote a two‐way partnership between parents and carer that establishes good home/nursery links. 

Times of the Day

Times of the Day

Morning sessions:    8.45am to 11.45am

Afternoon session:  12.30pm to 3.30pm  

Full time session:     8.45am to 3.30pm. 

Extended hours: 

Breakfast club and after school provision available on the school premises  

Breakfast club:     7:30am to 8.45am 

After school club: 3.30pm to 5.45pm (6pm school closes)

Registering Your Child for Nursery

Before we send you the link to complete our online admissions form to start our nursery, we will need you to send an email to with the following information:

your child's first name:

your child's last name: 

your child's Date of Birth: 

your child's home address: 

your contact number: 

Please note: we have one intake per year in September

30 Free Hours Entitlement

When to apply for 30 Hours Child Care Funding

You can apply from when your child is 2 years and 9 months old.


When your child turns 3                    When they can get 30 hours from                      Recommended time to apply

1 September to 31 December                Term starting on or after 1 January                           15 October to 30 November

1 January to 31 March                           Term starting on or after 1 April                                 15 January to 28 February

1 April to 31 August                                Term starting on or after 1 September                      15 June to 31 July 

Nursery Fee Structure