
Reading Curriculum Intent

To enable all pupils to read fluently and with confidence so that they can communicate their ideas and emotions to others effectively. The early teaching of reading is prioritised for all beginners when they start school at any age. Through access to high quality and challenging children’s literature, both classic and contemporary, all children and adults will establish an appreciation and love of reading. Our cross curricular approach will enable all pupils to use the skills required to access new, stimulating and challenging texts.

Sequencing and Progression

Noel Park places significant emphasis on the importance of children acquiring the skills to develop a love of reading from an early age.

For early reading we use RWI. Pupils in Reception to Year 1 receive a daily RWI session matched to their ability. All other children across the school who require support with early reading take part in our Fresh Start programme which is based around the same principals as RWI.

Pupils in Year 2-6 have daily whole class reading lessons which are text based and build on prior learning. Reading skills are taught explicitly and each year group has an overview of targets to be covered by the end of the year to ensure progression. The lessons focus on technical reading skills and comprehension as well as promoting a love of reading through high quality, engaging texts matched to the children's interests.

Policies and Documents

Noel Park Reading Spine

Progression in Reading Skills Document 2021 -2022.pdf
Supporting Your Child in Reading

Accelerated Reader

At Noel Park, we use Accelerated Reader (AR) as part of our reading for pleasure strategy

Parent Guide

Accelerated reader_ a guide for parents (1).pdf

AR Evidence Base

Reading for Pleasure

Noel Park Primary School Reading Policy 2023-2024

Have a look at some of our Get Caught Reading competition entries!

Book Recommendations