
Science Curriculum Intent

We thrive on a commitment to developing a child’s science capital. Children strive to become remarkable scientists; they are able to understand the world around them and know what questions to ask when they don’t. They are able to do this through our sequenced, practical, and inspiring approach to teaching science. During their time with us, we are able to assess children’s depth of understanding and knowledge and deliver bespoke learning journeys covering all aspects of science, ensuring that they are ready for success in KS3 and beyond. They will realise that science is not just based in a lab or a classroom but is happening all the time, all around us everyday.We aim to push our limits and discover what is possible. 

Sequencing and Progression

The curriculum map is designed in such a way that children are able to build on their prior learning. Enquiry skills are revisited and consolidated throughout each flow and children's knowledge of how to run an investigation is built on throughout each year and across year groups. Some units are taught in more than one year group to ensure breadth and depth of knowledge and consolidation of scientific skills.

What does science look like at Noel Park?

In the Early Years, children have the opportunity to engage in play, explore, create and think critically through the use of indoor and outdoor learning where they are able to ask questions about the world around them. From Years 1-6, children have a weekly science lesson where there is a significant focus on encouraging children to work scientifically through continuity and progression of essential enquiry skills. Children are provided with the opportunity to develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through six key skills which include, research, observation over time, identification and classification, pattern seeking, comparative testing and exploration. Their science lessons enable them to take part in practical experiments which allows them to use a wide range of resources to lead the learning and make their own discoveries. Through our science lessons, children are able to investigate problems, learn how science works and discover why science matters in the world to support them in becoming successful scientists.

Policies and Documents

Our Science Curriculum

Science Content and Sequence.pdf

Progression of Scientific Skills

Science At Home

Lava Lamp.pdf
Fun With Density.pdf
Fireworks in a Glass.pdf

Scientific Enquiry Day

Last term, we held our very first Scientific Enquiry Day, during which children had the opportunity to carry out a range of investigations in small groups whilst also developing their ability to negotiate, share, build on and challenge each other’s ideas. These investigations were all exciting, engaging and contextualised in real-life so that children could immerse themselves in science throughout the day.

Year 4 focused on chemical reactions, using their scientific knowledge to make hypotheses about how different substances would react when combined with water. They found out lots of surprising things, including that oil floated on the surface because water is heavier than oil. Their most exciting discovery was the reaction between Alka-Seltzer and water, which culminated in a rather impressive explosion!

Year 2 also took a colourful approach to learning about science! They used washing up liquid, food colouring, cotton buds and milk to create swirling patterns. The food colouring began to swirl and move around the plate once the dish soap soaked cotton bud was added, appearing to work like magic. The children found it fascinating to watch as the many shades of colours started forming, combining and separating to leave the bright white of the milk.