Junior Leadership Team

 The role of a Junior Leader is to ensure high standards across the school, focusing in particular on classroom environments and presentation and handwriting standards in books.  The team meets on a weekly basis to discuss how to monitor and support effectively, sharing what high standards look like, strategies for achieving and maintaining consistency and how to give effective feedback to support their peers in improving.  During these sessions, pen licences are also awarded; licences are then presented with feedback by the team during celebration assemblies. Alternatively, where there are still further improvements to be made, support and coaching is offered to the child in question.

The Junior Leadership Team is represented by one child from each class in Year 4 to Year 6 and are selected based on their ability to be role models who maintain high standards in their own work.

Junior Leadership Team Job Description

Junior Leadership Team Job Description

Team in Action

Our 2023-2024 Junior Leadership Team