
Computing Curriculum Intent

To equip learners to become innovative and informed users of technology and to prepare them for the 21st century workforce

Sequencing and Progression

The curriculum map is designed to allow children to build on the skills they have developed. The skills are blocked into four categories, digital productivity, digital creativity, digital citizenship and technology and computing. In addition, e-safety is embedded across the whole curriculum, as well as being taught explicitly once a term and in PSHE throughout the year.

Policies and Documents

Computing Curriculum Overview

Computing Curriculum Overview 2022-23

Computing Progression of Skills

Computing Curriculum Skills Progression 2022-2023



The children have been creating simple programs by selecting code blocks, placing them in the correct sequence and executing a program. To do this they have used logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of that program. As the children progress further they are asked to simplify their program by using loops. One of the programmes the children used is below.


The children have been using google sites to create a mini website about Ancient Benin. To do this they have had to select their background and layout then edit their research before inserting it into their template.  Once completed, images were added and layout was adjusted to achieve the desired effect.


Year 1

During the half term the children are introduced to the precision needed for digital art, introducing filling pixels and skills that are then developed further in Year 2

Year 2 

Year 2 have been using the free website which allows pupils to add their own images so books can be made about any topics.

Year 3

Children use block coding to programme their sprite to move across the stage.

Year 4

Children created their own eBook on the topic of the Tudors which they were studying in history.

Year 5

The children have written their own maze game using scratch.  After writing the programme for the stage they then set about using keyboard inputs to control the movement through the stage they had created. There is one below for you to try.  

Year 6

The children researched and created their own website using google sites. This activity was linked to their work in history on Ancient Greece.