The Academy Day

School Day Timings


Reception - Year 6

Entry and Pick-Up Procedures

To ensure a smooth flow and minimise congestion, we will be continuing to use the following entry points:

Lymington Avenue as the Preferred Entry Point for Buggies and Bikes

We kindly encourage parents and guardians with prams, bicycles and other mobility aids to use the Lymington Avenue gate. This entrance is designated as a fire exit, offering a wider space to navigate compared to the Gladstone Avenue gate. By prioritising Lymington Avenue for those requiring extra space, we hope to significantly reduce congestion on Gladstone Avenue during drop-off and pick-up times.

Breakfast Club  

We have 2 different clubs:

Nursery - Year 2- 7.30am - 8.45am in the dining hall

Year 3 - Year 6- 7.30am - 8.45am in the meeting room

After School Club  

We have 2 different clubs:

Nursery- Year 2: 3.15pm - 5.45pm in the dining hall

Year 3 - 6- 3.15pm - 5.45pm in the meeting room

Additional Information

Please make sure your child is brought to the academy and collected from the academy on time.

If a child is late they will miss this important time at the beginning of the day when the teacher is explaining what the mornings’ activities are to be. Being late means your child won’t know what to do, will disturb the other children’s learning and s/he will be missing valuable national curriculum time.

If you are going to be late please let us know.

If a child is persistently late in the morning the Educational Welfare Officer for the academy will be informed and parents will be invited to meet with her.

If a child is still at the academy at 4:30pm and the academy has had no notification from the parent/carer, all academy held contact numbers will be tried. If the academy is unable to make contact, the Social Services Department will be telephoned and they will make arrangements for the child to be collected.

If you continue to collect your child late you will be expected to attend a meeting with one of the Vice Principals to discuss the reasons why.

It is important that your child attends the academy regularly.  If your child is ill please let us know and the absence can be authorised. Any absences that we’re not informed about are ‘unauthorised’ and will be reported on your child’s report.  The figures for authorised and unauthorised absences are reported to the Trust and to the DfE.

Time away from the academy during the term time will interrupt your child’s education and there are specific times when it is very important for your child to be in the academy because of testing arrangements.  This is mainly in May e.g. SATs week for Year 6 the SATs tests for Years 2, although there are other tests in the summer term for other year groups.

All parents are expected to take their holidays in the 13 weeks of the academy holiday. Academies are not able to authorise holidays within academy time.

There are now Fixed Penalty Notices for absences without authorisation and parents can also be prosecuted if their child’s attendance is persistent and falls below 80% without a good reason.