Year 5

Meet the Team

Miss Qosja

Quince Class Teacher

Mr Pearce

Quince Class Teacher

Miss Charko 

Rosewood Class Teacher

Yearly Curriculum Overview

Year 5 Curriculum 2023-2024.pdf
Quince Class.pptx
Rosewood Class.pptx

Homework in Year 5

Year 5 Homework Letter

Spelling Homework

No Nonsense Spelling Year

No Nonsense Spellings

Yr 5 Multiplication Homework

Multiplication Homework

Autumn 1: The Ancient World

Quince Class Year 5 Autumn 1 Curriculum Letter.pdf

Quince curriculum letter

Rosewood Class Year 5 Autumn 1 Curriculum Letter.pdf

Rosewood curriculum letter

Sequoia Class Year 5 Autumn 1 Curriculum Letter

Sequoia curriculum letter

Summer 2: Electricity and Power

Quince - Yr 5 - Summer 2 Curriculum.pdf

Quince curriculum letter

Rosewood- Yr5 - Summer 2 Curriculum.pdf

Rosewood curriculum letter

Launch day- 03.06.2024

The title for the day was " where does the energy to power our homes come from?Some of the activities included a presentation of homework project and a mind-map with research from the question "What do we use electricity for?"  The children created electrical circuits, designed their own power station and also created posters about energy and climate change.  

Summer 1: The Victorians

Quince - Yr5 - Summer 1 Curriculum Letter 2024.pdf

Quince curriculum letter

Rosewood- Yr5 - Summer 1 Curriculum Letter 2024 (1).pdf

Rosewood curriculum letter

Launch day- 16.04.2024

Children that had completed a project had the opportunity to present their work and

tell the class what they had made/written.

Activity 1: Children learnt about the differences between wealthy and poor Victorians

and designed a dinner menu for a wealthy Victorian family.

Activity 2: Children learnt what a Victorian lesson involved - chalk writing, times

tables, spelling, etc.

Activity 3: Children learnt about workhouses and compared the clothing of children

that lived in workhouses to their own.

Activity 4: Children imagined that they were a child who lived in a workhouse and

wrote a letter to their friend, describing their day and what it was like to live there.

Activity 5: Children learnt about Victorian toys and games and were able to make

their own Victorian toy—the thaumatrope.

Activity 6: The children learnt about Victorian artwork, looking at the artist William

Morris, and created their own repeated patterns inspired by his work.

Spring 2: Antarctica

Quince - Yr5 - Spring 2 Curriculum Letter 2024 .pdf

Quince curriculum letter

Rosewood- Yr5 - Spring 2 Curriculum Letter 2024.pdf

Rosewood curriculum letter

Launch day- 19.02.2024

Children completed a project about Antarctica and had the opportunity to tell the class about what they had made/written. The children were then told that they would be Antarctic scientists for the day. 

ACTIVITY 1: Children had to prepare for their expedition to Antarctica. They had to make notes on where Antarctica is, what is the best way to get there and what it is like there.

ACTIVITY 2: Children then had to figure out what they would need to pack. They got some advice from a video online and made a list of things they would need to pack.

ACTIVITY 3: Once they had arrived in Antarctica, they had to quickly build a shelter. The children planned what they would need and how they would build their shelter.

In the afternoon, children were told about how quiet Antarctica is. They took part in an activity online where they had to guess what different sounds were.

The children wrote postcards to their family and friends back home and told them about what they were doing in Antarctica.

Spring 1: Ancient Egypt

Quince - Yr5 - Spring 1 Curriculum Letter 2023 .pdf

Quince curriculum letter

Rosewood- Yr5 - Spring 1 Curriculum Letter 2023.pdf

Rosewood curriculum letter

Launch day- 10.01.24

Step back in time with our young Year 5 historians as they embark on a captivating journey to discover the wonders of Ancient Egypt! From the mighty Nile River to the towering pyramids, the ancient Egyptians left an indelible mark on history. 

Autumn 2: Nature's Power

Quince Class Year 5 Autumn 2 Curriculum Letter.pdf

Quince curriculum letter

Rosewood Class Year 5 Autumn 2 Curriculum Letter.pdf

Rosewood curriculum letter

Launch day- 30.10.23

In Year 5, the children really enjoyed sharing their creative projects; consisting of models of volcanoes, interesting presentations and even a rap! 

We used atlases to identify where the most dangerous natural disasters occurred and labelled these on maps. We then created posters which were designed to protect individuals from earthquakes and how to stay safe during them. 

Children were also able to see their volcano models erupt in an outdoor practical session! 

Autumn 1: The Ancient World

Quince Class Year 5 Autumn 1 Curriculum Letter.pdf

Quince curriculum letter

Rosewood Class Year 5 Autumn 1 Curriculum Letter.pdf

Rosewood curriculum letter

Launch day- 9.06.23

As a class we discussed what we already know and want to know about The Ancient World, writing a response on post-it notes and adding them to the live working wall. Children then shared their homework projects with the class. Using documentary film, we then looked at which other ancient civilizations [Ancient Sumer & Shang Dynasty] were thriving in the world at the time. We sorted and worked out, on a timeline, where key civilizations were in chronological order, focusing on where we thought Indus Valley was located in history. Then they were tasked with a sorting activity of artefacts, looking at the different patterns and seals, grouping them and exploring what they mean to that civilization. Later in the day, the children focused on art and culture from the Indus valley. The activity involved the ancient seals which were used to mark ownership of trade products. They designed their own seals on paper and finally created their designs out of clay.

2022-2023 Curriculum 

Summer 2: Electricity and Power

Quince - 5 Summer 2 Curriculum Letter

Quince curriculum letter

Rosewood - 5 Summer 2 Curriculum Letter

Rosewood curriculum letter

Launch day- 6.06.23

In Year 5, the children were given a quiz to test their previous knowledge on natural resources being shared equally. They were then given the overarching question 'are the world’s natural resources shared equally?' and decide asked whether they agreed or disagreed. They read a national geographical text on natural resources distribution and answered questions. We then re-visited the original question about the world's natural resources being shared equally and if it is fair. The children were presented with the statement 'this house believes the world’s natural resources are depleting.' They initially stated whether they agreed, disagreed or were impartial as a debate. Several children were given a fact profile about a person with an opinion on this topic. They read out their speeches and the children asked them questions. They then voted who could stay in the debate. 

Summer 1: The Victorians

Quince - 5 Summer 1 Curriculum Letter.pdf

Quince curriculum letter

Rosewood - 5 Summer 1 Curriculum Letter.pdf

Rosewood curriculum letter

Launch day- 18.04.23

Children that had completed a project had the opportunity to present their work and tell the class what they had made/written. They then carried out the following tasks:

Activity 1: Children learnt about the differences between wealthy and poor Victorians and designed a dinner menu for a wealthy Victorian family.

Activity 2: Children learnt what a Victorian lesson involved - chalk writing, times tables, spelling, etc..

Activity 3: Children learnt about workhouses and compared the clothing of children that lived in workhouses to their own.

Activity 4: Children imagined that they were a child who lived in a workhouse and wrote a letter to their friend, describing their day and what it was like to live there.

Activity 5: Children learnt about Victorian toys and games and were able to make their own Victorian toy—the thaumatrope.

Activity 6: The children learnt about Victorian artwork, looking at the artist William Morris, and created their own repeated patterns inspired by his work.

Spring 2: Antarctica

Quince Class Curriculum Letter.pdf

Quince curriculum letter

Rosewood Class Curriculum Letter.pdf

Rosewood curriculum letter

Launch day- 20.02.23

Year 5 children were Antarctic scientists for the day and carried out the following tasks:

ACTIVITY 1: Children had to prepare for their expedition to Antarctica. They had to make notes on where Antarctica is, the best way to get there and what it is like there.

ACTIVITY 2: Children then had to consider what they would need to pack. They received some advice from a video online before making a list of items.

ACTIVITY 3 Once they had arrived in Antarctica, they had to quickly build a shelter. The children planned what they would need and how they would build their shelter.

Spring 1: Ancient Egypt

Year 5- Quince Class Curriculum Letter.pdf

Quince curriculum letter

Year 5- Rosewood Class Curriculum Letter.pdf

Rosewood curriculum letter

Launch day- 4.01.23

Year 5 looked at a range of Egyptian artefacts, discussing what we thought the might have been used for before doing further research to find out if our predictions were correct. We also  explored the journey of an Egyptian citizen to the afterlife, analysed hieroglyphics and created our own coded messages for others to decode. In the afternoon we designed and created pharaoh tombs using recyclable materials before sharing them with the rest of the class.

Autumn 2: Mountains, Volcanoes and Earthquakes

Quince - 5 Autumn 2 Curriculum Letter Template 2022-2023.docx

Quince curriculum letter

Rosewood- 5 Autumn 2 Curriculum Letter Template 2022-2023.docx

Rosewood curriculum letter

Autumn 1: The Ancient World

Quince Class curriculum letter.docx

Quince curriculum letter

Rosewood Class curriculum letter.docx

Rosewood curriculum letter