Welfare Support

Our Welfare Officer is a qualified first-aider and we have a medical room. Parents are contacted immediately if the need arises and are informed as soon as possible if their child has had an injury or a bump to the head for example. It is vital that we have current addresses and telephone numbers.

On rare occasions if a child has had a serious accident, then we will contact the emergency services first and the family second.

If your child has a medical condition, then please let us know immediately so that we can ensure we can support them in the academy. This is particularly important in the case of problems related to allergies, asthmatics, diabetes and epilepsy.  If your child is receiving medications or other treatment we can arrange for the academy nurse to advise us as to how best to support your child.

We cannot take responsibility for administering medications without a medical care plan.

Angela Salih 

Welfare Officer

Guide to illness for parents.pdf
Medical and First Aid Policy 2023-2024

Medical and First Aid Policy

Noel Park Asthma Policy 2023-24.pdf

Asthma Policy

Supporting pupils with Medical Conditions Local Arrangements 23/24

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Local Arrangements