Year 3

Meet the Team

Miss Ida

Mango Class Teacher

Mr Paton

Kiwi Class Teacher

Miss Durmaz

Lime Class Teacher

Yearly Curriculum Overview

Year 3 Curriculum 2023-2024.pdf
Kiwi Class.pptx
Mango Class.pptx
Lime Class.pptx

Homework in Year 3

Yr 3 Spelling homework guidance.pdf

Spelling Homework

Yr 3 Multiplication Homework guidance.pdf

Multiplication Homework

Summer 1: London's Skyline

Summer 1 Year 3 curriculum letter Mango.pdf

Mango curriculum letter

Summer 1 Year 3 curriculum letter Kiwi.pdf

Kiwi curriculum letter

Summer 1 Year 3 curriculum letter Lime.pdf

Lime curriculum letter

Launch day- 16.04.24

Year 3 started our new topic about the London skyline. We looked at a range of different sensational projects, We had everything from 3-D sculptures, pillows and artwork! We looked at how historical events have impacted our current skyline for example the geographical changes between the stone age and now. We also researched these time periods and participated in a carousel activity and created PowerPoints to present our findings about the different eras in history.

Spring 2: The Mediterranean

_Spring 2 Year 3 curriculum letter Mango.pdf

Mango curriculum letter

Spring 2 Year 3 curriculum letter Kiwi.pdf

Kiwi curriculum letter

Spring 2 Year 3 curriculum letter Lime.pdf

Lime curriculum letter

Launch day- 19.02.24

Year 3 began our new topic all about The Mediterranean. We started off the day showing our amazing projects; we had everything from fact files to quiz games and even a magnetic board game all about the flags!

We then looked more in depth about our topic thinking of the 22 countries which make up The Mediterranean. We looked at in detail the culture, arts and even got to try some Mediterranean delicacies!

Spring 1: The Romans

Spring 1 Year 3 curriculum letter mango .pdf

Mango curriculum letter

Spring 1 Year 3 curriculum letter Kiwi.pdf

Kiwi curriculum letter

Spring 1 Year 3 curriculum letter Lime.pdf

Lime curriculum letter

Launch day- 10.01.24

Year 3 had a fantastic morning presenting their homework projects to the class; seeing what they had created was amazing! We had mosaics, information posters and even shields! We examined various Roman artefacts, analysing what the Romans might have used them for. We looked at different items, from a sponge on a stick to a Roman helmet with a plume. It was a great way to start our curiosity about Roman Britain!

Autumn 2: London- Our Capital

Mango Autumn 2 curriculum letter.pdf

Mango curriculum letter

Kiwi Autumn 2 curriculum letter.pdf

Kiwi curriculum letter

Lime Autumn 2 curriculum letter.pdf

Lime curriculum letter

Launch day- 30.10.23

In Year 3, the children loved showing their innovative projects off; we all learned some new facts about London and the Lake District! We had a wide range of projects from maps to quizzes and even replica computers!

We explored maps and videos to learn more about the physical and human geography of the United Kingdom before creating fact files based on the new knowledge. Did you know that Ben Nevis is taller than 14 Big Bens! The children were very excited to learn more about these two places and think about why the Lake District might be better to live in.

Autumn 1: Stone Age

Year 3 curriculum letter Mango.pdf

Mango curriculum letter

Year 3 curriculum letter Kiwi.pdf

Kiwi curriculum letter

Year 3 curriculum letter Lime.pdf

Lime curriculum letter

Launch day- 6.09.23

Children in Year 3 really enjoyed sharing their projects, exploring artefacts and making cave paintings as part of our Stone Age Launch day on Wednesday. It was a great start to a new school year!

2022-2023 Academic Year

Summer 2: Rivers of the World

Year 3 curriculum letter summer 2 MANGO.pdf

Mango curriculum letter

Year 3 curriculum letter summer 2 Kiwi.pdf

Kiwi curriculum letter

Year 3 curriculum letter summer 2 MANGO.pdf

Lime curriculum letter

Launch day- 6.06.23

Children really enjoyed their 'Rivers launch day.' We played top trumps style games all about rivers around the world. We used digital maps to locate rivers and  their countries  - identifying continents. We also read fact files about rivers of the world and created a quiz to challenge each other.

Summer 1: London's Skyline

Year 3 Summer 1 Curriculum Letter Mango.pdf

Mango curriculum letter

Year 3 Summer 1 Curriculum Letter Kiwi.pdf

Kiwi curriculum letter

Year 3 Summer 1 Curriculum Letter Lime.pdf

Lime curriculum letter

Launch day- 18.4.23

Year 3's launch day was a huge success. Children shared their knowledge and projects about London's changing skyline. They learnt about key events in history such as The Great Fire of London and The Blitz and how these moments in history changed our capital's skyline. Children also learnt about some Medieval monarchs and which landmarks they were built during their reign.

Spring 2: The Mediterranean

Year 3 Spring 2 Curriculum Letter Mango.pdf

Mango curriculum letter

Year 3 Spring 2 Curriculum Letter Kiwi.pdf

Kiwi curriculum letter

Year 3 Spring 2 Curriculum Letter Lime.pdf

Lime curriculum letter

Launch day- 20.02.23

Children in Year 3 really enjoyed their Mediterranean launch day. We learnt so much from each other’s projects as well as creating holiday brochures and adverts and creating our own Mediterranean menu. We even taste tested some olives - delicious!

Spring 1: Roman Britannia

Year 3- Mango Curriculum Letter.pdf

Mango curriculum letter

Year 3- Kiwi Class Curriculum Letter.pdf

Kiwi curriculum letter

Year 3- Lime Curriculum Letter.pdf

Lime curriculum letter

Launch day- 4.01.23

Year 3 had a great morning presenting their homework projects to the class. Some of our projects included Roman both houses; Roman weapons including shield and swords; and some very informative posters. We then analysed a range of Roman artefacts, using them to predict what life was like in ancient Rome. For our final session we chose from a range of activities such as making Roman coins; designing Roman shields; building 3D Roman soldiers and playing Roman gladiator board games.

Autumn 2: London's Calling

Year 3 Autumn 2 Curriculum Letter Mango .docx

Mango curriculum letter

Year 3 Autumn 2 Curriculum Letter Kiwi.docx

Kiwi curriculum letter

Year 3 Autumn 2 Curriculum Letter Lime.docx

Lime curriculum letter

Autumn 1: Stone Age

Mango Class curriculum letter Autumn 1 .pdf

Mango curriculum letter

Kiwi Class curriculum letter Autumn 1

Kiwi curriculum letter

Lime Class curriculum letter Autumn 1

Lime curriculum letter