
Art Curriculum Intent 

To provide an art curriculum that allows all children to be curious and creative through self expression and exploration. Through the arts, children will develop resilience, self reflection, confidence and critical thinking skills that will prepare them for the 21st century. whilst also developing a sense of their own and others’ culture by studying art through history. The art curriculum is separated into skills-based units to allow children to learn, develop and consolidate a wide range of skills: painting, drawing, collage, printing, sculpture and mixed media. 

Sequencing and Progression

The curriculum map is designed in such a way that children are able to build on their prior learning from previous years. Art and design skills are revisited and consolidated throughout each art and design topic and are applied to a range of media. This creates a foundation for pupils to develop their own creativity through skills learnt previously and an outlook on art in the wider world, as well as giving them an awareness of different concepts throughout history and modern culture.  

Policies and Documents

Our Art Curriculum

ART Content and Sequence

Progression of Skills

Art Curriculum Overview and Progression of Skills.pdf

Key Artists

By the time children leave Noel Park, they will have studied the work of the following artists:

Artists to study NOEL PARK.docx.pdf

Noel Park's Art Gallery

Here is a selection of the art we have produced:

Take One Picture 2023

This year, children were challenged to create art masterpieces based on the National Gallery's 2024 focus painting: Henri Rousseau, 'Surprised. We had our annual Take One Picture Project exhibition after school and were blown away by the quality of the children’s masterpieces. We are planning to submit a number of them to the National Gallery in the hope that they will be chosen to be displayed there so watch this space for further updates. Thank you to everyone who attended in spite of the hot weather.

A Landscape Reimagined by Early Years

Rainforest dioramas by Mango Class

Collage by Nutmeg Class

Year 6 printing

Take One Picture 2022

Each class has been challenged to create a piece of artwork of their based on this year's focus painting: 'A Shipwreck in Stormy Seas' by Claude Joseph Vernet. Watch this space to see what they create!

A Landscape Reimagined by Palm Class

Collaborative Collage by Nursery

Ships At Sea by Rosewood Class

Origami Boat Sculpture by Year 1

Lighthouse and Artwork by Year 6

Making collagraph blocks for printing

Artwork inspired by our learning in Black History Month

Clay sculptures inspired by the work of Barbara Hepworth