Welcome Ms. Jones!

Post date: Oct 05, 2018 5:23:27 PM

By: Mckayla Ma

and Sammi Huang

Ms. Jones

Ms. Jones is a new teacher at Marina who is a daredevil and enjoys scuba-diving, cave- diving, and shark cage diving

Q: Where did you work before this?

A: I worked at Salesforce in the HR department.

Q: What do you teach?

A: I’m a Special Education teacher but I get to help everyone.

Q: What made you decide to be a teacher?

A: I love working with kids. They test my patience at times but I’m constantly entertained and have fun with them.

Q: What is your favorite part of being a teacher?

A: I love seeing kids discover new talents and growing.

Q: Where did you grow up?

A: I’m from San Diego, CA and I lived in LA for 4 years before moving to SF.

Q: If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

A: I would time travel because I love learning about different cultures and I would visit them at different points in time.

“Learn to love with all your heart and accept the unlovable side of others. For anyone can love a rose, but it takes a great heart to include the thorns. Be bold. Be kind. Be yourself.” -Ms. Jones