That “Fat” on your Body isn’t your Fault!

Post date: Mar 22, 2019 5:22:19 PM

That “Fat” on your Body isn’t your Fault!

DeLara Armijo

   Many teens and even older people are seeing the “slim people” of social media, becoming vain. But what if I told you that the diets they take never work?

   Most of the Western world is vowing their New Year's resolutions to stop overeating. “After all, it is the sole reason I’m gaining weight!” They say.

   Dieting is never the answer, in fact, Dr. M. Hyman explains in his 2015 article, “Why Overeating Doesn’t Make You Fat,” he explains clearly what causes you to gain weight, and what is the most healthiest way to do so.

   One important thing, is that if you really want to lose those 13 pounds, you can’t. We are wired to gain weight, “The human body is designed to gain weight and keep it on at all costs. Our survival depends on it. Until we acknowledge that scientific fact, we will never succeed in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.” Without this special feature of our body, can we never get that perfect 135 pounds to be “healthy.”

 The food we overeat is not our fault either. Food is addictive! “The food industry and our government’s recommendations are fueling this feeding frenzy. We cannot expect to change our instinctual responses to food any more than we can eliminate a feeling of terror when confronted with danger.” We are just made to love the one thing that keeps us alive, food.

   Dieting actually makes you fatter as well. To summarize the doctor’s words, if you eat less, and starve yourself -which is what most diets ask, to count calories and limit- your body becomes alarmed and forces you to eat everything in sight. Your body then gains weight again, making the diet impossible. “We are built to put on weight, and our bodies don't like it very much when we don’t give them the calories they need.”

 Dr. Hyman even lets you on a little secret, the “weight” you lose, is not the fat you want to lose. It’s actually muscle. So as you lose muscle, then gain more fat by eating, you’re not achieving what you want.

 Starving yourself is too much as well. Most foods we eat are addictive, especially junk food. We become so addicted that is why we are not allowed to starve ourselves, without gaining the terrible consequence of eating disorders, such as anorexia.

 Dr. Hyman then explains his tips to help you with your stability of eating, weight loss, and reducing risk of diabetes,

 “Starting right now, make the switch to these foods to lose weight: vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, olive oil, organic, range or grass-fed animal poultry, and wild, smaller fish.

 “Eat breakfast. To optimize health and weight loss, you need to eat breakfast. A recent study found that almost 3,000 people who lost an average of 70 pounds and kept it off for 6 tears ate breakfast regularly.” As almost every doctor and person says, breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day.

 Another tip Dr. Hyman gives is to eat mindfully. What he means is to be relaxed. This relates to another tip, lower your stress levels. Almost everyone is stressed today someway or somehow, it is best to treat yourself and relax, meditation is the most efficient. Remember to slow down and savor the food. Eating quickly will tend to make you overeat, “It takes 20 minutes to signal the brain that we are full.”

 “Become aware of trigger foods.” Limit yourself on your favorite snacks. Even the healthiest foods can become addictive and just like that, you ate almost all of the chips. Sleep is another important factor. Yes the internet is showing new memes, a new music video, you have to text your friends,

but you will lose the pros of sleep. Sleeping will lead you to normalize fat gaining hormones, and cravings of food. It is better to talk to your doctor instead of making a huge decision to change your already healthy body. Remember that these are for extreme conditions, and are better recommended from an expert.  Exercise is the most obvious, but working out at a gym and such won’t help, they’re needed for extreme obesity and diabesity. It’s a ideal for everyone that we need to get 10,000 steps per day. For easier exercise, Dr. Hyman says doing fun things such as running, biking, dancing, playing games, or doing something fun.