San Francisco's Dirtiest Block

Post date: Nov 09, 2018 6:47:16 PM

By: Alan Huang

San Francisco’s Dirtiest Block   

   You may see lots of dirty blocks in San Francisco but this block is far worse.  

  This block is located at the 300th block of Hyde street and this block is known as Tenderloin neighborhood. The neighborhood is about a length of a football field. With homeless people having no shelter they are forced to sleep on these streets. Heroin needles are on the ground and big bags of yellow soup are oozing in the bag. The Public Works Department picked up more than 100,000 needles in the streets of Tenderloin.

  Streets being this dirty the city spends $70 million dollars on street cleaning. “The city needs to add more trash cans around, so there will be less trash on the floor ”

says Ethan Huang, a eighth grader. These streets are so bad that a 91 blocks were dirted with feces! Residents who live at Tenderloin have to hold their breath as they walk by some of the streets.

  These homeless living on these streets has at least got a bed to sleep on. Our mayor London Breed has announced that she will provide over 1000 beds for the homeless living on the streets of Tenderloin.