The Three Bears

Week one of two:

*After the children write their name on their lesson plan, they will

be asked to place it under the number that matches how

many syllables are in their name. The children will then

participate in rapidly naming numbers 1-10 while naming cards

and while jumping on a number line.

*This week our theme story is "The Three Bears." While in circle

time, the children will listen to "The Three Bears" lift the flap book

retold by Samantha Berger and illustrated by Amy Cartwright.

Emphasis will be teaching descriptive vocabulary, such as,

opposites, prepositions, qualitative and quantitative words used

throughout the story.

*"Math Memory" is a Tools of the Mind game in which objects are

described by the teacher, e.g., big chair, small chair, etc.

The objects are then covered with a blanket. The teacher adds

to or takes away objects from under the blanket. She says, "What

is missing?" or "What did I add?" The objects under the blanket

are big and small objects from the bears' home.

Week two of two:

*After the children write their name on their lesson plan, they will

be asked to place it under the number that matches how

many syllables are in their name. The children will then

participate in rapidly naming numbers 1-10 while naming cards

and while jumping on a number line.

For the second week, our themes story is The Three Bears. While

in circle time, the children will listen to "The Three Bears'" Duplo

book and copy Duplo structures, such as, chairs, beds, stairs,

bridges, etc. Skills targeted during this activity are following verbal

directions, attending to task, cooperatively working with others,

sorting by shape/size/color, copying by visual/spatial designs.

The target speech sound is "g" for Goldilocks this week.

*"Math Memory" is a Tools of the Mind game in which objects are

described by the teacher, e.g., big chair, small chair, etc.

The objects are then covered with a blanket. The teacher adds

to or takes away objects from under the blanket. She says, "What

is missing?" or "What did I add?" The objects under the blanket

are big and small objects from the bears' home.