Not a Box

Week 1/2:

*The main speech sounds said in the book, It's Not a Box, are "b"

and "n." The children will practice saying "b" and "n" cards and

objects as a group so they hear the difference between the two

sounds. The "n" is produced with the tongue up behind the upper

teeth and is called "the buzzy teeth sound." The "b" sound is

produced with the lips together and the throat vibrating, so it is

called the "popping sound."

*Not a Box is written and illustrated by Anoinette Portis, and it

was inspired by a memory of hers sitting in a box on her

driveway with her sister. The small rabbit in the book pretends

that a box becomes a real rocket, car, etc., through his

imagination. While reading the book, we will teach the concept

of the negative "not." The concept of "not" is often

misunderstood by children and this book lends itself

well to teaching the concept of negatives, e.g, can't, won't,

don't, etc.

*The children will play the game, "I Spy Shapes," in our classroom.

They will all hold a magnifying glass and find the shape that the

teacher shows them. Finally, they will make the connection

between the object and the shape, e.g., "The clock is a circle, etc."

After having the hands on experience of finding the shape, they

will make pictures using shape attribute blocks and share their

creations with the other children.

Week 2/2:

We'll begin the session by having the children share their

drawing that they created at home out of a rectangle. The main

speech sounds said in the book, It's Not a Box, are "b"

and "n." The children will practice saying "b" and "n" cards as a

group so they hear the difference between the two

sounds. The "n" is produced with the tongue up behind the upper

teeth and is called "the buzzy teeth sound." The "b" sound is

produced with the lips together and the throat vibrating, so it is

called the "popping sound."

Then we will will have the children re-tell the book, Not a Box

by Antoinette Portis in which a bunny pretends his box

is many things, e.g., a rocket, a car, a boat, etc. The concept of

negatives will be taught so the children develop an understanding of

the words, "not," "doesn't," "couldn't," etc.

The children have been practicing "Venger Drawing" in their

classes. They look at a shape, make a drawing out of it and

then tell about it. To make the activity hands on, the children will

hold a napkin and say what they think it could be. Then, they

will draw a picture with the square already drawn on the magic
