Mapping Climate under Varying Emission Scenarios (from NCAR)
Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs), are four possible future climates depending on how much greenhouse gases are emitted in the years to come. RCPs represent potential greenhouse gas concentration scenarios projected into the future.
Four tiers or RCPs were developed, and each is named according to the level of radiative forcing (enhanced greenhouse effect or warming) anticipated by the year 2100.
The four RCPs include one peak pathway in which radiative forcing reaches 8.5 Watts per square meter (Wm-2) by the year 2100; two intermediate “stabilization pathways” in which radiative forcing stabilizes at 6 Wm-2 and 4.5 Wm-2 after the year 2100, and one low pathway in which radiative forcing peaks around 3 Wm- 2 before 2100 and then declines. This low scenario describes GHG emissions that drop below zero around 2070 and continue to decrease (carbon-negative) into the future.
For more information
Radiative forcing: cumulative measure of human emissions of GHGs from all sources expressed in Watts per square meter.
1. Working with multidimensional data (netCDF)
NetCDF is a true multidimensional data format very commonly used to represent atmospheric data. The data that we will use for this exercise contains information on air temperature anomalies. A climate anomaly is the difference between a future modeled climate when compared to the present climate.
Anomalies are useful to determine the magnitude of change. The variables in this netCDF file are:
-tas: Air Temperature Anomaly (change).
-lat, long, and time: are the dimensions
-atas20ymin: ensemble minimum
-atas20ymax: ensemble maximum
An ensemble is the average of several runs in which each run is assigned slightly different initial conditions resulting in different future outcomes.
In this netCDF file, each year is actually a 20-year average centered on the year displayed.
1.1 Add netCDF data through Multidimension Toolbox
Open ArcMap, browse to the map document D:\GISClimatedata\exercise4\maps\rcp.mxd
This map displays the continental US and contains four layers. The layer RCP 4.5 is the most carbon-neutral emissions scenario and the layer RCP 2.6 is a carbon-negative emissions scenario. These data display air temperature anomalies. A temperature anomaly is the difference between a plausible future temperature when compared to present day climate. Anomalies show change and are a good way to display how temperature change varies in space and time.
Turn on the layer RCP 4.5. Notice the difference in these two layers.
The RCP 4.5 layer uses warmer colors to display a warmer future than the RCP 2.6 layer.
Turn off the layer RCP 4.5 Annual Average Temperature Anomaly.
Open the Properties window for layer RCP 2.6 Annual Average Temperature Anomaly and click on the NetCDF tab.
Notice that the time is 4/19/2091.
These maps show the annual air temperature anomaly for 2091 (2081-2100). The RCP 4.5 map indicates hotter temperatures than the RCP 2.6 map. This is due to the different greenhouse gas concentrations used by each scenario. RCPs should not be viewed as forecasts or absolute bonds. They are representations of plausible alternative scenarios of the future, but are not predictions or forecasts. No single RCP is intended as a best guess or most likely outcome. In this exercise, you will look at three scenarios: A high emissions scenario - RCP 8.5; a neutral emissions scenario - RCP 4.5 and a low emissions scenario - RCP 2.6. By looking at the range of possible future climates, one can better understand and prepare for future climate change.
Close the Layer Property window.
Notice that we are missing the high emissions scenario (RCP 8.5) and RCP 6.0 for comparison. In the next few steps you will add a netCDF file of RCP 8.5 and RCP 6.0 that contain 70 years of future temperature projections.
For this exercise, you will add these as a raster dataset.
Open the Catalog window in ArcMap.
Connect to the folder: D:\GISClimatedata\exercise4
Navigate to the data folder
Click the Show/Hide ArcToolbox button on the main toolbar to open ArcToolbox as a window in ArcMap.
In the ArcToolbox window, expand the Multidimension Tools toolbox.
Double click on Make NetCDF Raster Layer to open the tool dialog box.
In the new dialog box click the browse button.
Navigate to C:\GISClimatedata\exercise4\data\netCDF\
Click Open. Make sure the following parameters are selected for the dialog box:
Variable: atas20yave
X Dimension: lon
Y Dimension: lat
Output Raster Layer: RCP 8.5
Band Dimension (optional): <none>
Dimension Value (optional): time (select from dropdown)
Time will appear in the Dimension list below the Dimension Value. In the corresponding Value list, click once to activate the drop down list.
Select the last time value which is 4/19/2091
Value Selection Method: BY_VALUE
Click OK to bring in the netCDF file when you have set all the parameters.
You should now see the annual temperature anomaly for 2091 for RCP 8.5 in your map display. Explore the map.
To compare the temperature change between the three scenarios, it is best to use the same symbology scale for each layer. The layers for RCP 4.5 and RCP 2.6 already include a color ramp which ranges from 05. - 6.5 degrees.
Right click on RCP 8.5 in the TOC and select Properties.
In the Layer Properties dialog box, select the Symbology tab.
Click the folder icon in the upper right, and import the symbology from the layer RCP 2.6.
Click OK to apply the symbology and close the Layer Property window.
Click File -> Save As and save your map to D:\GISClimatedata\exercise4\maps\RCP_comparison
1.2 Viewing Results Window
In order to bring in the RCP 6.0 you will use the tool from your Geoprocessing Results. This is a quick way to repeat steps.
Click Geoprocessing > Results.
Open the folder for the Current Session.
You will see all the Geoprocessing tools that you have run in this ArcMap Session.
Click the top Make NetCDF Raster Layer tool.
This will open the tool that you previously ran.
In this tool change the Input netCDF file to D:\GISClimatedata\exercise4\data\netCDF\
Change the Output Raster Layer to RCP 6.0.
And click OK to run the tool.
Right click on RCP 6.0 in the TOC and select Properties…
In the Layer Properties dialog box, select the Symbology tab.
Click the Import button.
Select the layer RCP 2.6.
Click OK.
Save your map.
1.3 Animate a netCDF file over time
So far, we have examined a single time period in our dataset (2081-2099). However, visualizing data over time allows us to observe patterns and trends. NetCDF is an ideal data format to use for this enhancement because it stores multidimensional information so efficiently. In this next step, we will set up a time animation to view how these data change over the century.
Turn on the layer RCP 8.5.
Turn off the layers for RCP 6.0, RCP 4.5 and RCP 2.6.
Double click on the layer RCP 8.5 in the TOC.
Select the NetCDF tab in the Layer Properties dialog box.
If you recall, we brought in the netCDF file for RCP 8.5 for the year 4/19/2091. If your data includes multiple years within the file, you can change from one year to the next in ArcMap.
In the Layer Properties dialog box change the Dimension Value to 05/04/2031.
Move the dialog box out of the way so you can see your map. Click Apply to the changes without closing the dialog box.
Notice how your map now reflects that time period. You can explore different time periods on your own.
Viewing time periods with this method is not ideal for researching patterns or trends. It will be much easier if you can animate over time.
Click the Time tab in the Layer Properties dialog box.
Check the box “Enable time on this layer”.
For the Time dimension: option - choose time.
Click the Calculate button for ArcMap to read all time steps in the dataset.
Change the Time Step Interval: to 5 Years.
Click OK.
Click the Open Time Slide Window button on the Tools Toolbar.
Click the Time Slider Options button.
The first tab, "Time Display", allows you to change the time interval and how the date and time are formatted.
Change the Time step interval to 5.0 (if necessary).
In this case, we only want to display the year. So for Display date format: choose 2016(yyyy).
Check the box to Show time on map display.
Click the Time Extent tab.
In this tab you can choose the start and end times for your animation. We will choose to animate through all years.
Click OK to close the Time Slider Options dialog box.
Click the Disable Time on Map button to enable time (if needed).
Notice that the time slider now just shows the year in the Time Slider time display box.
Click Save to save your map document.
Move the time slider to the first time of 2000 (if needed).
Click the Play button on the Time Slider to start the animations.
You should see the data change with each year over the century. This method is an excellent way to illustrate patterns and trends.
The data you are working with are anomalies. This animation shows magnitude of temperature change in the future compare to present day.
Click the Export Animation button on the Time Slider.
Save the animation to C:\GISClimatedata\exercise4\maps\rcp85.avi.
Click Export.
Leave the Video Compression options set to default and click OK.
Once the animation export is complete, save your document again.
Navigate to C:\GISClimatedata\exercise4\maps\ and double click on rcp85.avi to watch the animation.
Save your ArcMap document.
You have just mapped the four RCP scenarios for temperature anomaly. These four scenarios are useful to better understand the range of temperature change that we may experience in the future. You also created an animation for RCP 8.5.