ArcGIS Online and the Living Atlas - Geology Spring 2020

This session introduces you to ArcGIS Online, a collaborative web GIS platform that allows you to use, create, and share maps, 3D models, GIS apps, layers, analytics, and GIS data. With ArcGIS Online you get access to Esri's secure cloud, where not only you can add your data and publish it online, but you also get access to ready-to-use maps, data and template apps.

In this session we will cover the following topics:

- Accessing curated datasets for natural resources through the Living Atlas

- Logging into ArcGIS Online with your Clemson ID

-Creating a basic web map: adding data layers from a variety of sources

-Symbolizing data

-Adding your own features to the map

**Use of the Google Chrome browser is recommended when working in ArcGIS Online

ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World

USGS Historical Topographic Map Explorer


Landsat Explorer - choose rendering - Geology

Explore others of interest to you for 5 minutes. Recommended ones are: Intact Habitat Near Me, SSURGO Downloader, Water Balance App, Drought Tracker.

Three Decades of Global Land Cover Change - Global Land Cover 1992 - 2018 by ESA Climate Change Initiative

This layer may be added to ArcGIS Online maps and applications and shown in a time series to watch a "time lapse" view of land cover change since 1992 for any part of the world. In addition to displaying all layers in a series, this layer may be queried so that only one year is displayed in a map.

Four processing templates are included in this layer. The processing templates may be used to display a smaller set of land cover classes.

Cartographic Renderer (Default Template)

Displays all ESA CCI land cover classes.*

Forested lands Template

The forested lands template shows only forested lands (classes 50-90).

Urban Lands Template

The urban lands template shows only urban areas (class 190).

Converted Lands Template

The converted lands template shows only urban lands and lands converted to agriculture (classes 10-40 and 190).

Any of these variables can be displayed or analyzed by selecting their processing template. In ArcGIS Online, select the Image Display Options on the layer. Then pull down the list of variables from the Renderer options. Click Apply and Close.

Current Weather and Wind Station Data

USA Weather Watches and Warnings

Live Stream Gauges

Daily Sea Surface Temperature

Accessing and Saving Data: ArcGIS Online

When you want to view and save any data from the Living Atlas, you have several options. One of them is to save them in ArcGIS Online, your cloud GIS space.

Creating your Own Map

Go to the USGS Historical Topographic Map Explorer. Type Charleston, SC on the location box.

Click on Charleston in the map.

Sign in ArcGIS Online with your Clemson account. In the window that appears, select Enterprise login.

A box asking for your ArcGIS organization's URL is shown. Type clemson so that the URL is: Click Continue. The Enterprise login appears. Select Clemson University and sign in with your regular Clemson ID and password.

Select Charleston 1919 and 1948 maps.

Click on Save to save your maps into your ArcGIS Online account.

Click the Add button to add another dataset.

Select Browse Living Atlas Layers.

In the browsing tab of the living atlas, type geology.

Select the layer called: USA Geology Units. Open it to find its description.

A new window asking you to save your map displays. Select YES, SAVE MAP.

Adding State Boundaries

In the Add button on the top left corner, select Browse Living Atlas Layers. In the search box, type State. Add the USA States Generalized layer by clicking the plus button.

We want to work with just South Carolina State boundaries. Under the layer name in the Contents pane, click the Filter button.

Create the following filter: Abbreviation is SC (Unique). Click APPLY FILTER.

Adding Stream Data

In Living Atlas, type Hydrography. Select Stream detailed layer.

Creating a Watershed

In the Analysis tool menu, select Find Locations, Create Watershed.

As point feature, select a point on the map of your choice

Type 5000 feet as search distance to nearest drainage.


Adding Tornado Data

Check out this Tornado Map from

In ArcGIS Online, click the Add button, select Search for Layers - ArcGIS Online. Go to the Seneca, SC area. As keyword, type tornado. Use the filters to only select data in the map area and to look for data added the past 7 days.

Add the following layers:

- USA Storm Reports

- 2020 Disaster Crowdsourced Photos

- Tornado Damage Assessment

Sharing your Map

All of your data in ArcGIS Online is by default stored privately. However, you can share your data in several ways:

- Groups created by you or others

- Clemson University

- Everyone (public): for everybody to access, to embed your map in a website, or create a story map. We will explore this last option next session.

In the top menu, select Share. Select Everyone and click DONE. You have a Link to the map that you can use to share with others. It will ask you to make the data on your map public too. Click UPDATE SHARING.

Additional Land Cover Maps

Besides the new ESA Land Cover, there are several other resources in Living Atlas that might help jump start your mapping and analysis needs.


  • What is the Living Atlas of the World?

  • What are some of the differences between ArcGIS Pro/ArcMap and ArcGIS Online?

  • You are working for the SC water authority and you need to quickly put together a map of the State with counties, water bodies, and land uses. Describe how you would quickly put together an interactive map with authoritative data sources.

  • What are some differences between static maps (jpg, pdf) and interactive maps?