Introduction to GIS
This is a 3 hour hands-on workshop where students will learn the fundamental skills and concepts to be successful users of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The activities demonstrate how to preview GIS data, make a map from data and edit the map symbology, and export a map to PDF.
This workshop is the first in our series for obtaining our Certificate of Attendance.
The data used during the workshop are located on the libstorage drive in the IntroToGIS_April2016 folder. Instructions for accessing the network drive can be found below. The full path to the data is \\\gis\IntroToGIS_April2016
Activity 1. Previewing Data
Connect to a Folder
Inspect Geometry, Attributes, and Metadata using ArcCatalog
Activity 2. Create a Map from Scratch
Add a Basemap and Data as Layers in ArcMap
Navigation Tools: Zoom, Pan, Bookmarks
Activity 3. Symbolizing Features
Customize Symbology of Vector Data (points, lines, polygons)
Symbolize Data Using Attributes (lines, polygons)
Search Tools: Identify, Find
Activity 4. Create and Export Your First Map
Using Layout View to Arrange a Map Document
Add Cartographic Elements (Title, Legend, North Arrow, Scale Bar)
Export to a PDF