2. Emerging Data Scientists in Action!

Water Usage Efficiency Study

Have you ever been concerned about the water? If yes, you are not alone!

Water resources are critical to all facets of human health, development, and well-being. Currently, up to 11% of the world population remains without access to improved drinking water supplies, and 2.8 billion people around the world are affected by shortages for at least part of the year. Increased demand and use, drought, and climate change can reduce these precious supplies even further. Your personal habits regarding the use of water make a difference in the abundance and quality of our water resources.

For this activity, you will act as a citizen scientist -- that is, as a member of the general public who collects scientific data. You will collect geospatial data, which is data that includes the location in addition to the informational component, in the form of a simple survey about water use habits.

In these activities, you will:

- Develop a survey to ask fellow citizens about their water usage

- Go out in the field to collect water usage data with your mobile device

- Visualize, analyze, and share your results online

Let's start being scientifically nosy about is water! First, let's think of some questions that we are interested in asking people about their water use habits. Here are some examples:

    • Where do you live?

    • How long is your typical shower? (minutes)

    • How frequently do you shower?

    • Do you turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth?

    • Do you turn off the faucet while washing your hands?

    • Does your residency have a swimming pool?

    • How is the quality of your tap water?

Can you think of any other questions?

2.1 Using Survey123 to Design, Collect, Analyze, and Visualize Data

Today, we will use Survey123 for ArcGIS to create a form to take with us on the field (on our mobile device). Survey123 is an application for collecting data in the field using forms that are simple, powerful, and intuitive. You can create a survey in a browser and share it with your project group (or anyone at Clemson University) to use for creating data for your project. You can also download the app to your iOS or Android device and use it to download your survey for working in areas without internet (or in airplane mode to conserve battery).

We will use it to create a survey form for mapping water use habits of people we find walking around on campus. Once you have surveyed enough people, we will visualize and analyze the data you collected on the field.

2.1.1 Accessing Survey123

You can log into Survey123 using the username and password that was provided to you at the beginning of this session.

    • To begin, go to www.survey123.arcgis.com

    • Click the Sign In button at the upper right.

    • In the pop-up window, sign in using the username and password that was provided to you. Remember this information. You will need it for the next steps.

2.1.2 Creating a New Survey

It only takes a few steps to create a survey. You'll need to set the title, add tags and a description, and then you can start adding questions and designing the survey!

    • Once you are logged in to Survey123, click on My Surveys and then on the +Create New Survey in the upper-left corner.

Log into Survey123 using the username and password that was provided to you at the beginning of this session.

1st question: Where do you live?

    • Drag the GeoPoint question to the form and open the editor.

  • Label: Where do you live?

    • Hint: enter address or city and State

    • Set the Default Map to OpenStreetMap. In the search bar, type Clemson, SC. Zoom in the map to Clemson area. Make this a required question.

    • Under Validation, check the box next to This is a required question

  • Click Save

2nd question: How long is your typical shower? (minutes)

    • Click the Add button and drag the Number question to the form and click on it to open the Edit tab.

    • Change the Label to How long is your typical shower? (minutes)

    • Check This is a required question

    • Check Must be an integer

  • Click Save

3rd question: How frequently do you shower?

    • Click the Add tab and drag the Dropdown question to the form and click on it to open the Edit tab.

    • Change the Label to How frequently do you shower?

    • Create 5 categories: Twice a day or more, Once a day, Every other day, Once or twice a week, Less than once a week

    • Check This is a required question

  • Click Save

4th question: During which one of these activities do you leave the faucet open?

    • Click the Add tab and drag the Multiple Choice question to the form and click on it to open the Edit tab.

    • Change the Label to During which one of these activities do you leave the faucet open?

    • Hint: select all that apply

    • Create 4 choices: Brushing your teeth, Washing your hands, Washing dishes, None

    • Check This is a required question

  • Click Save

5th question: Does your residency have a swimming pool?

    • Click the Add tab and drag the Multiple Choice question to the form and click on it to open the Edit tab.

    • Change the Label to Does your residency have a swimming pool?

    • Create 2 choices: Yes and No

    • Check This is a required question

  • Click Save

6th question: On a scale of 1 to 10, how do you rate the taste of your tap water?

    • Click the Add tab and drag the Likert question to the form and click on it to open the Edit tab.

    • Change the Label to On scale of 1 to 10, how do you rate the taste of your tap water?

    • Choose 10 categories. In the first category, type "Tastes as dirt!" and in the last one type "Tastes great!"

    • Type 2 to 9 in the rest of the categories.

    • Check to box under Validation This is a required question

  • Click Save

7th question: In one word, how would you describe the quality of your tap water?

    • Click the Add tab and drag the Singleline Text question to the form and click on it to open the Edit tab.

    • Change the Label to In one word, how would you describe the quality of your tap water?

    • In the Hint box, type "e. g. fresh, dirt, clean, stinky,..."

    • Check This is a required question

  • Click Save

2.1.4 Previewing and Sharing your Form

Your form is now ready! Review your design by clicking Preview. You can see how it will appear on a computer screen, phone, or tablet. Make sure to review your form and all the questions that you need for a successful survey. Click the X to close the window when finished.

    • Click the Save button in the lower right corner.

    • Click Publish to finish creating the survey. A URL is generated for the survey. You can get the URL by clicking the Share button in the upper right, as well as a QR code. Both of these can be used to distribute your survey.

    • Click on your survey URL and look at the link. Write down this link as it is the one you will use to access the survey on your phone.

2.2 Collecting data on the field

Take your phone or one of our tablets to the field and survey people. Whoever has the highest number of people surveyed, will get a Clemson cap. You have 40 minutes.

2.3 Analyzing and visualizing your data

    • In the window that appears, click on Get Started under Using the web designer.

    • For the survey name, enter WaterUseHabits_by_*yourinitials*.

    • For the tags, enter Water Use.

    • For the summary, enter A survey for mapping water use habits at Clemson.

    • Click Create to generate the blank survey form.

2.1.3 Adding questions to your survey

To create the survey, you drag and drop questions from the panel on the right into the center of the window. You can reorganize the order of the questions and modify their parameters at any time.

Your goal is to find the appropriate type of question for each of the questions you came up with before. Spend a few minutes thinking about the available questions and the organization of the survey. You need to include the GeoPoint question type to place this on a map. This would be the location of the person that is being surveyed.

    • To begin, go to www.survey123.arcgis.com

    • Click the Sign In button at the upper right.

    • Go to My Surveys on the upper left side of the page

    • On the upper right of the page, go to the Analyze tab. Here, you can create different kind of charts from your data.

    • Go to the Data tab to view your data on a map.

Discuss your results with a student next to you and compare your data. Were your responses similar or different in geography? Which questions were more similar and which ones were more different from each other?

Congratulations!! You are officially an Emerging Data Scientist in Action!!!