Stand and Share

Stand and Share

  1. Teams of 3 to 4 brainstorm a list of ideas in response to a prompt.
  2. When time is called, all team members stand and teams take turns sharing one idea at a time with the whole group.
    • A different spokesperson from each team shares at each turn.
  3. If a response is on a team’s list, members place a checkmark beside it. If not, it is added at the bottom of the list.
  4. When all of a team’s original items have been checked, members sit down. (They keep adding new items, however.)
  5. Sharing continues until everyone is sitting. At that point, all ideas should have been shared, and every team should have the same complete list of ideas.

*You might use this structure following Rally Table or Round Table when you want everyone to have a full list of all ideas shared.