Squares, Triangles, Circles

  1. List 4 things that “square with my thinking”
    • 4 supporting concepts that support my thinking
    • 4 new building blocks of information I gained
    • 4 "corners" of my thinking with each corner representing something (who, what, when, why; what I saw, what I heard, what I felt, what I want to do, etc.)
    • 4 steps to complete the plan
  2. 3 “angles” I disagree with
    • 3 details to support ____________
    • 3 things for which I need more information
    • 3 different"angles" to look at _____________
    • 3 "angles" to continue to explore
    • 3 "angles" to consider as I plan
  3. 1 question “circling” in my head
    • 1 idea I keep "circling" back to
    • 1 central idea that "rounds" off my thinking
    • 1st action step in the cycle