ORID Focused Conversation

  • Form teams of 2 - 3
  • Step 1: One team member presents work to their teammates.
  • Step 2: Non-presenting members ask questions about the work from the ORID grid and record the presenting members responses.
  • Step 3: Non-presenting members finish notes and give them to the presenting member.
  • Continue until each team member has presented their work.


1. Objective: Facts, Data, Senses

Objective questions related to thought, sight, hearing, touch, and smell are used to draw out observable data about the experience.


  • What images or scenes do you recall?
  • Which people, comments, ideas, or words caught your attention, and why?
  • What sounds do you recall?
  • What tactile sensations do you recall?

3. Interpretive: So What?

Interpretive questions relate to the experience’s value, meaning, or significance.


  • What was your key insight?
  • What was the most meaningful aspect of this activity?
  • What can you conclude from this experience?
  • What have you learned from this experience?
  • How does this relate to any theories, models and/or other concepts?

2. Reflective: Feelings & Reactions

Reflective questions relate to the affective domain - emotional responses, moods, and hunches.


  • How did this experience affect you?
  • What was the high point?
  • What was the low point?
  • What was the collective mood of the group involved?
  • How did the group react?
  • What were your feelings during the experience?

4. Decision: Now What?

Decision questions relate to determining future resolutions and/or actions.


  • How, if at all, has this experience changed your thinking?
  • What was the significance of this experience to your study/work/life?
  • What will you do differently as a result of the experience?
  • What would you say about the experience to people who were not there?
  • What would it take to help you apply what you learned?
Based on work by Christine Hogan - Practical facilitation : a toolkit of techniques