
Design Tips

• Identify the audience to be served by the first page.

• Plan fonts and graphics with the audience in mind.

• Identify potential participants to contribute to the page.

• Clarify the organization of information.

• Create home pages that are easy to read.

• Create a top-level home page that is short, includes the purpose of the web page, and links to additional pages.

• Additional pages should provide detailed information.

• Sketch out the visual design and evaluate its effectiveness.

• Evaluate the "overall look."

• Strive for a consistent layout style.

• Only use graphics that serve a purpose and use appropriate graphics for that purpose.

Web Browser Considerations

• Design web pages that can be viewed by multiple browsers.

• Include only exemplary work for publishing.

Arp ISD Acceptable Use Internet Policy for Staff

To ensure the use of this system in a productive manner, a list of guidelines has been developed. All employees are required to abide by the guidelines. If you are a Arp ISD teacher or administrator, and would like a web account, please contact the Web Master at 903-859-2408. Training is required before an account will be generated. New accounts will be operational during training sessions.


1. The account belongs to the person to whom it is issued, and only that person is authorized to use it.

2. The account is provided through the Arp Independent School District. It is to be used in support of the district's educational goals and in a manner consistent with the policies and procedures of AISD.

3. In order to ensure smooth system operations, the system administrator has the authority to monitor all accounts.

4. Different access and service levels for different types of personnel may be given to employees, depending on the nature of their work (Web, TigerTube, Epsilen, Blogs, Podcasts, social media, Intranet Publications). AISD reserves the right to block access to certain Internet sites if necessary.

5. You are legally and ethically responsible for protecting and preserving AISD proprietary rights. This means that no messages disclosing sensitive, confidential, restricted, non-public, or proprietary information may be published.

6. AISD reserves the right to withdraw account privileges at any time for any reason or no reason at all.