AUP_10 Inventory

Technology Inventory and Purchase Policy for Arp ISD

Summary of Important Points

Technology Inventory and Purchase Policy for Arp ISD


All purchases for educational technology will be coordinated through the Technology Director, district technology committee and campus principals to reduce redundancy and inefficiencies, and to increase validity of purchases. All quotes, bidding, RFP submissions, and final selection of technology tools and vendors rests with the Technology Director. The district Technology Department will survey all stakeholders at least twice a year. All members of the district are invited to give input. These meetings/surveys will be posted on the school Website. The purpose of all data collection is to gather information from all stakeholders on district technology needs and to evaluate current technology offerings.


All technology shipments will be delivered to the Arp High School Technology Department and processed using the following procedures:

?Shipping Tickets will be removed and packages will be opened for sign-off of content

?The Technology Director will maintain shipping Tickets in the Technology Department

?Each titled item will be tagged or etched with the ARP ISD followed by the serial number.

?Each titled item will be checked out to the appropriate person or classroom through the technology inventory system.


The Technology Office will maintain a copy of the inventory assigned to each teacher/classroom/office. Discrepancies will be handled at the end of the year using summer check out forms. A teacher’s signature on the final summer checkout form at the end of the year will be a part of the exit interview process for any teacher leaving the district. This inventory sign-off sheet will be a part of each teacher’s documentation requirements at the end of the school year. Teachers will be held accountable for inventory that has been lost, stolen, or removed from the classroom in exactly the same manner as teachers are held accountable for textbooks checked out to their classroom. (Summer Checkout Form)

The technology department will be responsible for maintaining inventory for items checked out to each campus for each teacher. Principals will need to make sure that teachers leaving the district have returned all technology tools to the Technology Department before final check-out has been approved. Technology inventory will be used for auditing purposes and for district technology planning. The Technology Department needs immediate notification of all employees leaving the district and all new employees so that Technology Accounts can be terminated and/or initiated. Please notify the Technology Director immediately through email when an employee quits or is hired.

The Technology Department will maintain a record of all technology tools inventory, model, purchase date, and value. The campus offices are not responsible for maintaining an inventory list of technology items.


Items that have apparently been stolen from a classroom should be documented and reported to the campus principal immediately. Failure to report lost or stolen items may result in the inability of property to be reclaimed. Classrooms that experience theft will need to have classroom and facilities management procedures analyzed and an improvement plan created and implemented. A police report must be filed within 24 hours of theft evidence. Continued theft or loss from any single classroom may result in the reallocation of technology until a satisfactory solution has been implemented. Teachers, who fail to report lost or stolen items, may be held accountable for loss of inventory.


Technology items that are considered out of date or too old to be of use, should be itemized (serial number, date of purchase, amount of purchase, reason for removal) and submitted to the principal on a request form for removal from inventory. These items should be submitted to the District Technology Department (DTD) for possible integration into another classroom, re-allocation, or for removal through a certified recycling service. It is illegal to “trash” most technology via a dumpster. Request for removal should be submitted only once a semester. This will allow the principal and DTD to determine repair costs and / or benefit of removal.

No technology item should be removed from a classroom without a Removal Request Form and consideration from the DTD. Items not useful to some can be useful to others. The campus principal and Technology Director must approve removal requests and the item will not be removed from district inventory until after a public sale or certified recycler has taken possession of the inventory. Teachers will no longer be responsible for an item that has been removed from their classroom.


Purchases for technology will be made using the state and district procedures for procurement as practiced and enforced by the Arp Independent School District Business Manager, Superintendent, and Technology Director. Purchase orders for classroom technology will be coded by organization to follow state recommendations for a valid and effective migration of technology. This procedure will allow technology to be moved freely between campus and classrooms as dictated by need assessment for student achievement. Technology should not be held in idle “captivity” simply because a teacher has it on a classroom inventory. Migration of technology will follow the Arp Independent School District’s Acceptable Use Policies and Procedures.

All stakeholders will be canvassed for recommendations at least once a semester. The data collected from these surveys will assist in planning, implementation, reallocation, and migration of technology tools. A comprehensive plan for migration will coordinate with:

?Acceptable Use Policies and Procedures

?Student Achievement

?Surveys of all stakeholders

?Technology Committee needs assessments and recommendations

?Administrative recommendations