
STUDENT AUP AGREEMENT (5th-12th grades)


AUP PP & Quizzes

AUP (Acceptable Use Policy Booklet) Process for ALL FACULTY AND STAFF

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Once a student has a signed AUP Permission slip and is given a username & password, they will ALWAYS have an account in Arp Schools until they either graduate or leave the district. They DO NOT need to resign the AUP Permission Slip each year. However, they DO need to be taught the age appropriate AUP Curriculum each year AND be reminded each year of the importance of the AUP Policy and the consequences of not following it.

We give usernames and passwords to students 3-12th grades. When these students log on to ANY computer in the district, they need to use their OWN username and passwords. (Teachers in the lower grades may request a "class" password...but students need to use their OWN username.)


Students in Pre-K, K, 1, and 2 are given a class username and password unless the teacher has need of unique usernames. Students this young need to have plenty of time to practice classroom usernames before they are assigned unique usernames. It may take all of the K and 1st grade years and even into the 2nd grade second semester before they are ready to be assigned their own usernames. Please do not expect these groups to be ready for a username at the beginning of the year. USE THIS RESOURCE FOR POWERPOINTS AND PAPERWORK: AUP_PP_TEST AND


HOW TO GET AN ACCOUNT (JR High & High School Students)

1. It is the responsibility of the teacher to teach Age-Appropriate AUP Curriculum.

The Initial PowerPoint introduces secondary students to the AUP (Click Here) and should be reviewed each year.

We have PowerPoints online for each age level and a test. The PowerPoints are ONLY to help remind the students of important points. They DO NOT replace the AUP Booklet or Initial PowerPoint! Please see AUP PP & TESTS Students can review AUP using the appropriate age level PowerPoint.

2. Each Student needs a copy of the AUP booklet ( may get from Joy or any BCIS teacher) EVERYONE in the district MUST read the AUP Booklet!

3. If a student has never been taught the AUP at Arp ISD, please do the following:

    1. Give 6-12th grade students the AUP booklet to study for the AUP test. K-5 students will review the appropriate PowerPoint for their grade level each year.

    2. Discuss Major Issues from the AUP booklet in class. Do NOT assume the student has read the booklet without discussing it with them.

3. When a student is ready, use your own login to log student onto a computer. Use your users name and so password the student may to take the AUP test online at: AUP_PP_Tests This is the ONLY time you are allowed to log on for a student!

4. When a student finishes the test – log off of the computer.

5. Dr. Rousseau and the Technology Help Desk receive the test through email and will (when time allows) determine if the student has met the age-appropriate requirement. If the teacher is not contacted to remediate the student on the AUP Policies, then the student has passed and will need to complete all paperwork.

6. If a student passes the AUP test - the student should print out the permission slip find at: AUP_PP_TEST, have parent/guardian sign it along with the sponsoring teacher who is providing the AUP instruction.

7. Parent, Teacher and Students must sign the AUP and send then send this paperwork to The Tech Help Desk (don’t forget the date of graduation for the student)

8. The Tech Department creates a username using the year the student graduates then the first 5 letters of a student’s last name and then the first letter of student’s first name. (Example: John Smith graduates in 2018, username is 18smithj)

9. The first time the student logs on to a computer or Google Email they will use Tigers123 as their password. The student will be asked to change the password immediately


If a student has had a username and forgot their password,

Fill out a Maintenance Requests Form with the student's Username and the password will be reset to Tigers123. The student will log on the first time after the password has been reset with Tigers123, then be asked to immediately change it to their own unique password.


Questions to ask students to determine if they already have an account:

1. Has the student gone to school in Arp School 1 or more years in grades 3 or above? If yes, then they probably have an account.

2. Did the student take BCIS or a Technology Applications class in either 8th grade or in H.S.? If yes, then they DO have an account

3. Did they EVER have an account? Then yes, they have an account. We do NOT delete student accounts until after graduation. We disable them if they leave the district and can quickly enable them upon request of their teacher.

WHAT IF A STUDENT DOESN'T REMEMBER THEIR USERNAME? Email Tech Help Desk for the student's PEIMS name and year of graduation and then the username can be look it up for you and the password reset to Tigers123.