chapter 429


Cinco de Mayo

you can't stop this with a wall 

I don't always go to Cinco de Mayo, but when I do I like to be with the most interesting people in the World. The Margaritas were delicious and they asked if I regretted drinking so many, but my only regret is that I don't know what regret feels like. (at the table to the rear she is asking if that is really me)

With the beautiful weather available I spent three days kayaking on Moreau Lake. Some question my judgement on choice of subjects. But like the mountain climber, I take what's there. Shouldn't I climb Everest? It's not tall enough.

Caught a nice Pickerel and had to do the one handed paddle to frame the shot. People asked how the Beavers knew to mimic the mountain landscape? I trained them.

When I go Birdwatching they sould call it Terrywatching because the birds come to see what I'm doing. Didn't seek out this Green Heron. He came to me as I floated near shore. Sometimes to get a good reward, you gotta stick your neck out.

My Greater Yellowlegs Sandpiper amigo was just visiting on his way to Canada. Clicked the shutter just before he took a drink. Stay thirsty my friends.
