Chapter 159


Stan the Man

Dairy Farming in Virgil



Dairy Farming in Virgil:

Stan Connelly has been a successful farmer here in NY for probably five decades. I believe he's approaching 80 now and still farming. I worked hard as his hired-man during my high school years, which led me to pursue a white collar career. I don't believe I ever worked harder (now retired) in my life as I did during those early years. I recall awaking at 5am or so for the morning milking. I'd be so starved and shaking by the time we let the cows out, I'd have a big double breakfast only to go back and face the rest of the day. That could include plowing, haying, spreading manure or whatever not to mention the evening milking.

This video doesn't begin to capture the work effort. I was only visiting for a few moments. Farmers usually have a slow and steady pace. Not only do they have to get through the day; they have to do it all over again the next day, and every day. Without injury, without sick time, without vacation or holiday. I can't remember how many times I'd visit home for Thanksgiving when after dark we'd see the lights on Stan's tractor as he proceeded to chop the still standing field corn.

Farmers are a rare breed and have my respect.

ps. Grandpa Hayden made the first generation barn-mailbox for Stan.