
3/18/2012                                                                                    link back up to main Chapter 262 Coins

oldest coin in the world 

Do I own the oldest coin in the world?  This is a silver cup shaped punchmark (hand hammered die) coin with a plain back . I know there are doubters, I don't care and I have cleaned it up the original

to my satisfaction.  detail

This historic one cost me big rupees. About 1000 rupees via ebay from Praveen in Mumbai, India. That's only $20 for my oldest coin and the deal went smooth. This nice Guide to the first coins of India shows my coin to  be a type 4 silver 1/8 shatamana (shana) from Gandhara Janapada about 500-400 BC. Although considered to be India historically, the Janapada kingdom extended at that time into what is now north Pakistan and eastern Afghanistan near Peshawar and Taxila. Taxilla was their capital where my coin was minted and where Buddhism originated from. Alexander the Great pretty much conquered the area fighting the local Pakhtuns who rode elephants into battle. Maybe Alexander used my coin to buy some wine? It could happen. Just a crappy little thing to most people, but a piece of history to me.

 The coin design is likely just a geometric pattern but it has a resemblance to the sun and our solar system. I'd be remiss if I didn't mention India's ancient interaction with aliens. In their ancient Sanskrit language they wrote elaborate tales of the Vimana spaceships that used advanced mercury driven gyroscopes. They wrote elaborate tales of sky people coming down to earth with horrifying overhead battles that ensued.




Another good source shows my coin along with an interesting assortment of other designs.

Social network for coins of India

Aryan origins into India 2000BC

a cute little Janapada Hindu rap girl video

Very close because there is serious question whether the Greek Aegina or the Turkish Lydian electrum could be just a few years older.

There are many more interesting connections to be investigated that may have some association with my coin collection.
