Chapter 180C



Ch 180C The Commando Creed                          "Any place, Any time, Anywhere"                             

1600 hrs 30May69 indicated altitude 700 feet +/- over Van Gorder farm Virgil, NY

Here we are on a calm spring evening above the old Olmsted/ Van Gorder farm in the lower right. I'd say we were maybe slightly under the FAA altitude requirement, but then again I wasn't really licensed anyway.  I want to document this stuff before I forget or am unable to communicate. In fact, I always wondered what should be on my tombstone; now I know:

In this picture there are many areas covered by my chapters and videos:

The farm pond we built with Pete (yes I have proof) is quite evident with the diving board and skating hut. A slight ENCON stream protection violation. Our dirt "race track" above it lined with some spruce and pine we planted in 4H. Our old home hidden between the Poplars and the then still standing American Elms. Dairy farmer Stan Connelly's land comprises most of the middle of the picture with his main house on Virgil Creek just up the main road (owns another farm on the left just off camera).  I remember standing at the end of the corn rows (brown plowed fields in pic) as a guide so the crop duster pilot, so he could aim at me and keep track of his progress as he applied the pesticides (probably the now banned DDT). Developing a slight twitch now. Can't recall now but many leftover war Stinsons and their Cessna counterparts were used as dusters.

Virgil School baseball field upper left by the cemetery. Greek Peak Ski Area beyond the top of the picture. Grandpa's potato cellar and fields off to the left (a whole missing story & photos).

Our landing strip is on the hilside right under the plane in this photo.