chapter 291

War Birds


mission impossible


links to My War Birds folder (45 pics)

B-24 video (2:30 min)

B-17 video (1:30 min)

P-51 video (3:00 min)

I was called in on a Special Ops mission by John Panoski the Vice President of ESAM (the Empire State Air Museum). My mission, should I choose to accept, would be to conduct surveillance and capture the only air worthy examples of a B-24 Liberator and P-51 Mustang in the world. Also one of the few remaining B-17s. They had indeed seen action for the Allied Invasion Force in WW2. Yes, it would involve danger but it would also yield high intel for future generations, I'd be stationed inside the secure perimeter of the landing zone just yards from disaster. I accepted.

We were among an elite small crew of TV reporters and aeronautical insiders as we piled into the covert A- Team bus to head for the runway. We were as giddy as a bunch of teenage girls piling into a limo for their first prom. Awaiting the arrival of the focus of the mission we were distracted by some sort of high tech predator drone aircraft as well as a pre-war 40's civilian piper cub.

I had one shot to get it right. There would be no second takes or do-overs, it was bombs away. A thrill to be right there amongst those historic rumbling pieces of history. Success.

