Chapter 216





My narrow escape from death just has to be reported as did Christen Gowan who worked on the story for the TU. She's attended many of our hockey games since she's married to a teammate. Two weeks ago while kayaking back from Maybee's Farm I was right under a shaky Piper on landing approach to Mohawk Valley Airport, just across the river (TU Video) from Maybee's. I was considering my options if he were to ditch. Now that has just happened with three dead after a tail first crash to the river nearly hitting some fishermen in a boat.

The pilot is thought to be the agent selling LLENROC for $30M a few miles from here on the banks of the Mohawk. That's Cornell spelled backward, named by the original owner Al Lawrence who attended Cornell and owned the Albany River Rat Hockey team. Passengers may have been renting at LLENROC. I always admired the architecture of this mansion set in the apple orchards and modeled after the buildings at Cornell University (15 miles from Virgil).