Terry's Journey in Retirement

Chapter 640


Vietnam Veterans Day

who knew

The Schenectady chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution invited "Vietnam Era" veterans who were on active duty from 1965-75 to a pin ceremony on this 50 year anniversary of when the US pulled out combat troops from Vietnam. 

I don't like to pretend I was a combat vet, but I do like to get a free donut.

The crowd seemed a bit run down but there were only a few wheelchairs.

It's a nice lapel pin showing the six stars for the other allies including Thailand, South Korea, Philipines, Australia and New Zealand. 

My goal was to launch the drone to show the fleet at the Empire State Aerosciences Museum.

 A volunteer told me I shouldn't fly within 5 miles of the airport, but I advise him requirements have changed and my drone is interconnected with the FAA. No problem.

The pilot of the small Robinson helicopter near the blue hangar came over and just wanted to know we were on the same page as he was about to take off so I landed.

A little closer view of the planes.

I've always been amazed by the A -10 Warthog.

The mini gun on the front gives it deadly force.

A panorama for the back row of aircraft.

The Huey UH-1 Iroquois workhorse of Vietnam was open for us to climb in to. The guy in the green jacket was a pilot on the Loach (last picture) in the Central Highlands. Blue jacket guy was with MACV, Military Assistance Command Vietnam who flew all over the combat zone in all sorts of aircraft.

Another Marine who sat in there with me described his side gunner duty. Had the M60 30 caliber machine gun. When he ran out of ammo he pointed his M-14 out the door and nearly got swept away in the wind. They tried to medivac two Marine casualties once (blow off legs) but couldn't lift off the ground with that extra weight and had to leave them.

This Loach LOH Light Observation Helicopter  Hughes OHE-6 Cayeuse was also called a pig. It flew in tandem typically with a Bell AH-1 Cobra Attack Helicopter. They's contact the tower for a pig and a snake to take off.

There job was to go forward and low to get a rise out of the bad guys. Drop a smoke bomb to mark them, then the Cobra would come in with overwhelming force.

Could barely get in and fit this tiny cockpit.

Overall it was an enjoyable and warm experience. Got to hear some stories and share experiences. The Patriot Flag Guard even invited me into their group. The leader has the bigger Indian Chief.