chapter 318

Retiring in Florida


the Berner Diaries

As I framed the backyard shot Bill asked if it was OK to release the hounds. I said sure, not realizing he has 10, TEN DOGS. This is actually a burst mode / edit technique but they were all very friendly, too friendly. One dog part time is almost more than I can handle. In my lifestyles series, I'm bringing this chapter from the Town of Florida outside Amsterdam.


In old boss Bill's cubicle in the 70's the frog sign said "Stop and smell the roses". Now I visit his retirement home and it is enmeshed in nature and surrounded by frogs and roses. From the road you can't see a house just trees.

There is one more remaining house to document from this group of co-workers. The most interesting perhaps, as we pitched in to help build it, a post and beam structure. But alas, the owner has been a big disappointment and dropped the ball....TBD? Another connection here is the Mohawk River math model sitting on the desk which lead to it's successful sparkling water quality cleanup. Bookcase containing various re-aeration coefficient studies and old Playboy Magazines.


The front yard is essentially a forest as you can only see trees from the quiet road. You have to walk halfway back before the house starts to become visible.


Not much to mow here; actually the driveway. A hand mower will do it, but you need a walking stick to go out back.


This is Bill's back back yard. He wouldn't oblige me with a tumble into the water. That would have been a good Kodak moment.


Bill has a nice view nearby across the Mohawk Valley looking north on the foothills of the Adirondacks. The last 2 house series have all been near or within the vicinity of the picturesque Schoharie Valley. You may have noticed I like to use my ride as a foreground subject in my pictures. Sort of a where's Waldo, or "Then Came Bronstead".


Passed under a turkey vulture atop a telephone pole on the ride to Bill's house, but this one was near my home when dog Misha and I disturbed 3 eating dinner. I seem to be seeing more and more of these guys around.


This was an earlier shot from the Taconics looking east into the Berkshires of Massachusetts , maybe the next journey?
