chapter 472


Marble Canyon

southwest territories part 3

Glen Canyon National Recreation Area

link to Arizona folder (100+pics)

Stayed at the Marble Canyon Lodge which is just down a piece from this Glen Canyon National Recreation Area and just off the Navajo Reservation. Of course my senior pass gave me free entry again. Did I mention we get into all national parks free, has saved a lot for our Margarita bills.

Lees Ferry raft launch

We had reached this canyon up near Utah about sundown so we headed up to the Lees Ferry ramp where rafters enter the Colorado River to run down the big Grand Canyon. This was an independent group of privateer rafters who were staging for the morning run. A 2 week journey of some 360 miles camping along the way.

Navajo catches rainbow on Colorado River

One of the native Navajo caught a rainbow trout for my photo this fine morning.

Glen Canyon National Recreation Area

The landscape here is amazing. The stronger more resistant layers sit atop the softer sandstone. As the sandstone weathers away the big pieces tumble down the slope then wind erodes underneath leaving a pedestal. I guess.

Lower Antelope Canyon

I had looked forward to entering Lower Antelope Canyon after seeing so many photos of it at my Photo Club. Our Navajo guide Tosch in dark blue explained that they sweep the cave each day for anything out of place. Recently they had removed 28 rattle snakes from under the ledge on the left. The Navajos aren't allowed to touch them and call in paleface. It's a superstition "belly of the beast thing". Met a German couple from Munich in our group.

exiting Lower Antelope Canyon

Exiting the slot canyon is tight. It's just a water eroded cut through the sandstone. You don't want to be down there in a flash flood. In 1997 a dozen tourist died here in an sudden storm situation. 

A full walkthrough go pro video they wont let you do that now.
