chapter 315



sum up your life in 30 seconds

Link to My Youtube Channel

You can find anything on Youtube, from Adirondack kayaking to Black Labs named Misha. The site is undergoing a slight modification and wants users to create a brief trailer for their videos. I did such and it is supposed to self launch upon clicking the link above.

It's not a great thing, just something I enjoy doing.

Status Report: Youtube's analytics statistics show Windows desktops are still the predominant receiving device. There were 1000 views of my stuff last month with 2000 minutes logged. The biggest chunk was 60 percent of views of "Residential Well Drilling". There was an astounding 71 countries represented all around the world. Outside of North America it ranged from 48 views from Thailand down to 1 from Denmark. This is not my intended audience but it is OK. Maybe I am creating a bit of world peace.

