chapter 404


Annie and the Hedonists

hedonists don't have to apologize

Attended Annie and the Hedonists free blues, folk, oldies performance up at our local library. Sat in the front row to take some discreet shots from lap level with existing light. I actually asked permission and their leader, Jonathan, said it was ok, and to email them. I took a close up of Annie's hippie hat after the performance to use as a background. They liked my rendition and sent me their new CD "Tonal Indulgence" as a reward.

Jonathan said they do duets for performances sometimes and would like an image for promotional purposes. This was the best I could do with what I had. Need a DSLR and flash for really fine results, but this grainy version has a quality as well.

This was the album they sent me. Christie will notice Saratoga's famous Hattie's Restaurant  where we had one dinner. This is just a couple doors down from the famous Cafe Lena coffee house where Annie will perform in November. Dylan performed there and we caught Odetta there once.

Hattie Gray Mosley started the Shack in 1938. It's still in business at the same site. Had suggested dinner here to the Massachusetts relatives when they visited for Melissa's Baby shower but it was rejected. Guess you just have to be more adventurous to go to these really chic spots. 

Hattie's Chicken Shack  expansion in Wilton.
