chapter 501


Durey Creek Band

I swear it's the gospel

link to Durey Creek Band Bluegrass and Gospel 21 videos

In chapter one I spoke of the Gospels of Terry. Now 500 chapters later I have produced a couple dozen gospels. it is hard to believe but yes I did; I recorded and published songs from an old Virgil High School friend's band in the Adirondacks (lined above). Nancy (Lash) Purcell is the lead singer here. Her parents were in one of Virgil's first graduating class 1935 and her brother was in the last graduating class 1965. They were like family inviting our basketball team to their home after games. Durey was an historic character in these parts.

As I sat there recording on that gorgeous day at the Caroga Museum, I was thinking to myself that it was a long 44 years ago that I was just across the street a couple hundred yards recording my brother-in-law's Peninsula Band at his Jammer Bar. He recently begged me to reproduce this image for a large scale wall poster.

Leaving Caroga it was a short ride up to Stoner Lake past this outlet stream to revisit old friends and take a refreshing swim in the lake.

Speaking of spiritual music, I again attended the Metis Pow Wow, this time at Schoharie Crossing in Fort Hunter. Indian tribes (and maybe Kateri Tekiwatha) lived here until disenchanted with the American Revolutionary War. Met an old Indian friend (acquaintance, not the dancer) Eric Marczak whose flute music I recorded and used in that video years ago. This time he had produced a CD which I bought.

The young injuns were impressed as well with the spiritual dancer.

We recently hiked the Pinnacle Mountain at Bolton Landing overlooking Lake George. It is the biggest bang for the buck of any hike I've been on. A short not too much struggle one mile trip with a beautiful view. Across the lake is Shelving Rock and Buck Mt that we did last year.

On a recent motorcycle ride in Halfmoon I stopped at the highest vantage point for a scenic photo. Talked to this Pingelski couple on their farm. Turns out they bought the farm from Colleen's grandfather and their kids were in the Polish youth dance group with Colleen.

Bottom line - it was a sweltering 90 degree heat wave and they in their 90 years, living independently were out working on their hay mowing machine. Married 70 years. He used to raise and sell horses to the Freihoffer Bakery when they delivered bread door to door via horse and wagon. A story in itself.

Banner Days !

Frank made it past 100. I stopped by when he mentioned they had gone to the Rusty Nail where they give you one chicken wing for each year of your birthday. Yes their group got 100 wings. He exppired later that year-
