Terry's Journey in Retirement

Chapter 611



pink shoes

We can never know about the days to come. I repeat these lyrics of  Carly Simon, in her pink shoes, that have played in my mind throughout my life. The song (Anticipation) was released in 1971 at a pivotal moment in my life as I entered a new course correction. It also was prominent in my mind during a second life path choice seven years ago (Ch 410)

Interestingly, Colleen has always been a big fan of Carly's Concert in Martha's Vineyard and always played that music for her daughters when they vacationed at the Cape. This year we took her family touring around the Vineyard. We hit this Menemsha Beach for a lunch break and did not realize it at the time, but just across the jetty is where Carly filmed her famous concert in 1987.

A  poignant TED Talk about the legacy of pink shoes  by a young woman who lost her mother at an early age hits home for Colleen who in her twenties also lost her mother .

Dad's pink shoes were actually Sorel deer hunting boots that I still use. But his mechanical aptitude was the real gift handed down to us. He surprised me by fixing the flip up headlight on my '65 Vette, unasked.

Bought my new 2012 Nissan Frontier truck out near brother Dale's Small Engine Repair shop in Massachusetts. Recently my tires were leaking air around the rims after only 3 years with new tires. Ticked me off and was going to trade in whole truck. Then realized woud be better to hand down to son, but still had to fix up the brakes, suspension, and general clean up. Got my 2022 American made replacement, same thing as the old one was so good to me for 100,000 miles. Maybe it will last a million miles like the guy in Chicago with just average driving,  or get handed down to grandson?