Chapter 25 Terror on the Streets


Terror on the Streets

Home Grown Suspects 





The hot day I met Mohammed Hossain, center picture-founder of the Masjid As-Salam Mosque and alleged money launderer involved in a plot to buy missiles to kill the Pakistani Ambassador to the UN ( Inventing Terrorists and 2015 update ), was like any other ordinary day. I had stopped at his Little Italy Pizza shop corner of Lark and Central to make a weekend "buy" as I had believed we were not under surveillance. After negotiating for the goods to be delivered, I paid him for the "ice" and departed with an untrusting glare still on his face. When my hair is cut short I often am taken for an undercover cop or nark in seedy neighborhoods. With the ice melting in my water bottles, I was fortified for the bicycle trip home. Close call. 

A friend and co-worker Aslam, is also a fundamentalist Muslim who has received harassing phone calls regarding missiles way back prior to 9-11. He stopped attending the Mosque to avoid the inflammatory rhetoric. 

Couple years ago a local Fox TV news crew photographed a missile passing over the Albany Co Airport but it was hushed up by the "authorities", probably to "protect" us common ignorant  civilians. I saw the original video but it was taken down at the Fox website. 

A word of skepticism is in order here as one of my favorite lunch spots used to be the Green Village run by Koreans in downtown Albany. Feds leaked that it was the meeting place of a Montréal terrorist cell that was planning a missile attack on the White House. They were to deliver the goods at Al Lansing's farm across the road from where my old friend John Lee's and daughter Chris & Donnie live in Colonie. Feds raided the place at 2am and only found fruits and vegetables at the farm stand! go figure? 

been thinking of dropping the drive, going undercover, maybe can use my military police background for a job...

later to attend their trial


and contact Yassin Aref's attorney 


stealthy military MQ9 unmanned attack vehicle to now fly over Adirondacks from Fort Drum


My IIT EWA remote sensing source will be training at Drum


Newburg Sting used same Albany FBI confidential informant Shamed Hussain into dupe entice entrap with $250,000 four poor uneducated unpolitical blacks into a government manufactured plot. The government orchestrated the whole event for political fear mongering. This must see documentary opened at the Tribeca Film Festival summer 2014.

Times Union report showing FBI scammer CI, really just like an undercover agent for the FBI acting on their orders. Living in Loudenville, conducting illegal activities at the DMV.
