Chapter 224


Ch 224 Deliver us from Evil

walking on the Devil's Path


My Deliverance video

Just couldn't resist:   On Monday I ordered a new camera. On Thursday morning I happened to check my confirmation from BIGDIG, and the tracking link said my package had just been loaded on a FedEx truck at the Altamont facility where I used to load the same trucks with those same packages. Then I see FedEx arriving and I recognized the driver (route #15) from my old days as a package handler. Kathy thought it was goofy taking a picture of him - I don't see why? Observe the proper firm grasp technique we learned while in package handling class.

My walk on: The Devil's Path 

I dropped down through this Hell Hole on the Devil's Path the only way to proceed on this trail along the sheer rock drop off with the dead tree blockage. This segment was a six mile four hour hike- more segments to complete later.

chapter research:

SX200 review

package handler vid oldies version

package handler vid rap version

package handler vid pro commercial

Devil himself lives in Catskill Mts

Bruderhof commune (former Hutterian Bretheren visible from General Sherman lookout on Devil's Path)

ch 90, 91, 95

update 5/2/2010

Devil's Platte Clove up valley    pic

Devil's Platte Clove down valley   pic

beautiful Plattekill Falls 360

danger in hike

local hiking group

Ch 226  more Devil's Path