Chapter 203



Ch 203 Mystery of Flight 3407                                    the cover-up continues


  The Bombardier Dash 8 Q400 turbo prop with tail number N200WQ that crashed at 10:20 pm in Buffalo on 2/12/09 was at the Albany International Airport gate C1 a mere 4 hours earlier undergoing mechanical tests. The question is: "Did this reporter witness the beginning of the end to that saga." Read today's Times Union story on that scenario before going on:

You see I was practice skating that day at the Albany Co Hockey Facility. I always sit at the window facing the airport as I put on my skates since Kathy spent 10 years there and I was "part" of that family too. I noticed a turbo prop aircraft at the familiar gate area pictured above but with mechanics clamoring all over the right engine. They seemed to have the cowling off and another spare engine standing by itself nearby. I thought it seemed odd that they wouldn't have taken it into the mechanics hanger where they'd be more comfortable (with storm warnings and wind gust expected to 50 mph) not to mention spooking the passengers.

I just scanned the picture above yesterday for a friend who took it in 1967. You'll immediately notice the tail number as 4404, strangely close to the 4001 shown in my world tour video . Don't confuse that with the insert plane upper left that appears on my chapter 194 story. For comparison I put a Newark bound plane just below it (note bridge into Manhattan).

For illustration, the girl in the yellow box is my friend's Niece Jeannie going back to California.  I couldn't help but notice also that the man behind her had an uncanny similarity to Jack Ruby. I never trusted that Warren Commission (sorry Aunt Carol). And another thing, why is the pilot hurrying to get out of the camera shot, I can make out another pilot in the number one seat.

These and many more questions will surface in the days ahead.


allow active x for 2 min Maddy Loftus hockey-connection to FL 3407 (we have a Mike Loftus in my hockey circle)


Flight Tracker

FAA Registry Inquiry by N number


airlinersnet immediate reaction

flight path of doomed plane