
3/28/2011                                                                                    link back up to main Chapter 262 Coins

Middle East: cradle of uncivilization



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Cyprus is an island country at the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea close to Syria. This 1963 5 mils bronze coin features the handsome 300yr BC ancient Greek Bireme 

sailing ship found off the north shore of Kyrenia. The word copper is derived from Cyprus as they found vast copper deposits there. Bronze; an alloy of copper. This coin like the country is in the middle of a hodge podge of strange and unusual countries. Recent Lebanon coin

 The 1945 Cyprus coin underneath with scalloped edges features King George the sixth (the stutterer) as the UK ruled over this country and most of the world at one time. Dad may have brought it back from the war, but never quite sure where I've accumulated all these coins. A nice dallah or coffee pot on the 1 dirham nickel-silver coin from the UAE (United Arab Emirates). It's a ١٩٩٥=1995  (arabic translation) forget the second number- it's AH or After Hijri Muslim calendar when the prophet Mohammed first migrated from Mecca to Medina . A 1973 Israeli 5 Agorot copper-aluminum with 3 pomegranates. Jewish calendar year 5733    in Hebrew   . A 1938 Iran 5 Dinar aluminum-bronze. Several 1955-1975 5 fils coppers from the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, still exiting at the time of this writing. A 1917 solid silver Egyptian 2 piastres.

Getting ahead of the curve one might predict some of these countries would be next to undergo an uprising and overthrow. Why not? A few centuries back the Crusades pitted the Christians led by Catholics against the Muslims for a couple hundred years in this area. During the next 600 years this area was home of the Ottoman Empire and its war battles. Cyprus has been occupied by 47-11 different countries. The Turkish invasion and turmoil of 1974 still has lasting effects. I can't study war no more. But would that make my coins more valuable?

Magnified views for some of these coins are in the coin folder.