Terry's Journey in Retirement

Chapter 586


Herkimer Diamonds

it's not just for girls

Diamond Acres Mine: Met this guy from Vermont at the end of our day in Fonda a few miles from Herkimer who scored a massive quartz crystal Herkimer Diamond. He was working a cliam there, one of the two dozen allocated spaces, roughly $130 per season, but they are all assigned and you have to get on a waiting list. Our rate was just $5 per person per day to scavange looking thru the rubble piles and occasionally breaking up rocks with hammer and chisels. We both also had success there but on a smaller scale.

I expect to update the photos in the folder link above  in the coming months and years as a continuing hobby, to some extent? A New York Times well written article explains the popularity of this hobby including the celebrity and spiritual angle.

Ace of Diamonds mine in Milleville: went on a recon mission to set up a future family outing.The great Herkimer Diamond quest began with a simple idea. My family had gone there a couple times perhaps 34 years ago when Shawn was 10 in 1987 and it is a fun day trip. A day's admission is $14 and I chose it because I had a truckful of equipment and didn't want to haul it back and forth that would be required at the much more elaborate Herkimer Diamond Mine and KOA camp site.

There are a variety of collecting methods. Youtube videos will explain. Sifting  with water thru the dirt- rubble piles and water sluicing was unproductive. I decided to go to this rock wall where much of the space was tarped by claim owners at the same $14 per day rate. From the video of geezers pulling many crystals out of large pockets I decided to explore those areas. Sticking my hand under the water just by feel you can determine a crystal by the smooth texture. Did score three nice pieces that were overlooked out of the flooded pocket I sit over. Had to use hammer and chisel to loosen from their surrouding matrix of druzy. The crystals formed in these pockets 1/2 billion years ago during the Cambrian Period of our Earth's formation. Certain conditions of heat, pressure, and chemicals allowed the  crystals to grow. The Herkimer Diamond is a specialized quartz being uniquely double terminated pointed on both ends with 18 hexagonal facets. Herkimer quartz is harder than most other quartz, 7.5 versus 7.0 on the Mohs hardness scale. True diamond being 10.  There are just a few other places around the world where Herks can be found.

Young Geologist visits Ace of Diamonds

Ace of Diamonds -This was probably the best of the lot. I like the clear ones but it's not perfect with the bottom smashed. Still searching. 

There's a special feeling pulling out something beautiful that has not seen the light of day in 500,000,000 years.

Ace of Diamonds- This was a larger one with some nice color but still not perfect.

Diamond Acres Mine This is a typical claim.  Hard work going thru the hard rock with power equipment and drills. 

Diamond Acres Mine - Got this one easily just troweling thru the dirt. Colleen also scored three smalls.

Herkimer Diamond KOA Resort we visited 1987 $14 a day

 Hickory Hill Diamond Diggings Fonda: closed 2021, open 2022 potentially has nice colored herkimers

Treasure Mountain Diamond Mine private near Little Falls and not open to the public

Diamond Mountain Mining LTD private near Little Falls is not open to the public yet. Projected for this year 2021. Looks very enticing.

Paradise Falls near Middleville seems to be shut down indefinitely.

Area 51 is a private spot with big crystals.