Chapter 173



Ch 173 Steamroller Malfunction                                                                 Capitol Offense 



Ex NY Governor Eliot Spitzer had proclaimed he was a freakin steamroller when he took office but you may have heard that ended today before noon. It is reported the downfall resulted from the filing of a suspicious activity report (SAR ), the importance of which I had covered back in Chapter 109 . There may be a more devious connection however.

As a former career public servant myself, I'm disappointed in this turn of events. He had shown great promise and I've pulled up many of his court cases requested by various counsels. Here is one landmark case I pulled regarding Wever Petroleum (and a Schaighticoke gas station), one of the few cases ever prosecuted in the country regarding gas price gouging after Hurricane Katrina. The other 2 pages are from the Southern District NY, a Federal complaint against Mark Brener owner of the Emperors (escort) Club, et al (Spitzer's indictment pending).

As I left the office in the NYCOM building (Conference of Mayors), it was a cold gray day. Passed by the new Gov Paterson's limo on the way down to the media circus. Couldn't capture all the satellite uplinks. As I look up the Capitol steps, I fondly recall sitting up there in the Sun (with co-workers on this mailing) list eating lunch or listening to the Carillon play across the street in City Hall tower. No joy this day. General Sheridan's statue of honor is in the center and the Justice Building just off camera on the left where our former Attorney General previously worked (prior chapters).